2015 - 2017 Development of new method for risk assessment of nanomaterials by concurrent analysis of uptake potential and toxicity using flowcytometer
2012 - 2014 Relationship between coexposure to chemicals and UV, and recent increase of skin cancer - from a view point of histone modifications
2013 - 二要素同時解析によるナノマテリアルの予見的リスク評価手法の開発
2013 - ヒストン修飾変化の観点より迫る農薬による紫外線発がん増強の可能性
2010 - 2012 Augmentation of UV-induced carcinogenesis by heavy metals-relationships with histone modification and repair of DNA damage
2009 - 2011 Effect of combined exposures to multiple chemicals and ultraviolet rays on recent increase of skin cancer-from a view point of histone modifications
2007 - 2008 Multiple effects of environmental pollutants and ultraviolet light on the recent increase of skin cancer -relationship with histone modification
小林沙穂, 柏木裕呂樹, 豊岡達士. Towards the establishment of an in vitro test able to assess the toxicity of chronic exposure to industrial chemicals: the comparison of acute and chronic exposure of cells to MOCA, a bladder carcinogen. 労働安全衛生研究. 2023. 16. 1
天本宇紀, 豊岡達士, 山田丸, 柳場由絵, Wang Rui-Sheng, 甲田茂樹. Investigating erythrocyte hemolysis assay use for proinflammatory potential prediction of silica particles. 産業衛生学雑誌. 2023. 65. 3. 125-133