J-GLOBAL ID:201501058027420897
Update date: Feb. 14, 2024
Tsuji Takahiro
ツジ タカヒロ | Tsuji Takahiro
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
History - Asia/Africa
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
Papers (8):
Takahiro Tsuji. "Nao-liang"insident and Qushan:Focusing on the differences in recognition between the local government and the local community. OMU ASIAN HISTORY. 2023. 23. 22-45
TSUJI Takahiro. Bestowal of “Mianfu(冕服)” and Kingship: during the Goryeo and the Joseon Era. Thought and Culture of East Asia. 2021. 12. 73-86
辻 高広. Comparative Analysis of the Seismologies of the Kangxi Emperor and Verbiest : An Aspect of Early-Qing Scientific Exchanges between the East and West. 桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要. 2019. 44. 3. 75-93
辻高広. 康熙帝的地震論与南懐仁的地震論-清初学術交流的側影. 中日古代中国社会文化史学術検討会. 2018. 372-381
辻高広. 清末江西における釐金徴収と流通管理. 大阪市立大学. 2016
MISC (3):
辻高広. 書評:井上徹『華と夷の間一明代儒教化と宗族』. 大阪市立大学東洋史論叢. 2020. 20
辻 高広, デ・ウルシス サバティーノ, ロンゴバルディ ニコロ, ヴァニョーニ アルフォンソ. Translations : A Tentative Translation of Jesuit Missionary's Earthquake Theories in Late Ming and Early Qing Period. 人間文化研究 = Journal of humanities research, St. Andrew's University. 2019. 10. 271-303
辻 高広. Book reviews: Miyata Michiaki, Opening ports and the market along the coast: a view of modern economic history in China. 現代中国研究. 2007. 20. 109-115
Books (2):
天変地異はどう語られてきたか : 中国・日本・朝鮮・東南アジア
東方書店 2020 ISBN:9784497220011
大阪市立大学文学研究科 2014
Professional career (1):
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