J-GLOBAL ID:201501074762157399
Update date: Aug. 26, 2022
Gonda Kenji
ゴンダ ケンジ | Gonda Kenji
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Literature - British/English-languag
MISC (2):
Ono Naomi, Shimokobe Michiko, Gonda Kenji. L2 learners' consciousness and their abilities in English: a study focusing on learners' interests in spoken English. Seikei Review of English Studies. 2008. 12. 59-81
権田 建二. トルーマン・カポーティとその時代. 成蹊英語英文学研究. 2006. 10. 79-101
Books (1):
American Violence
Sairyusha 2013
Professional career (1):
Work history (1):
- 2014 - Seikei University Faculty of Humanities
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