J-GLOBAL ID:201501074796250550
Update date: Jul. 31, 2024
Ogawa Takuya
Ogawa Takuya
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Applied microbiology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Papers (26):
Mengshan Zhu, Jun Kawamoto, Tomoya Imai, Takuya Ogawa, Tatsuo Kurihara. Enhancing extracellular membrane vesicle productivity of Shewanella vesiculosa HM13, a prospective host for vesiculation-mediated protein secretion, by weakening outer membrane-peptidoglycan linkage. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. 2024. 138. 2. 137-143
Hiromu Inoue, Kenichi Kawano, Jun Kawamoto, Takuya Ogawa, Tatsuo Kurihara. Rapid screening and identification of genes involved in bacterial extracellular membrane vesicle production using a curvature-sensing peptide. 2024
Kenichi Kawano, Kouhei Kamasaka, Fumiaki Yokoyama, Jun Kawamoto, Takuya Ogawa, Tatsuo Kurihara, Katsumi Matsuzaki. Structural factors governing binding of curvature-sensing peptides to bacterial extracellular vesicles covered with hydrophilic polysaccharide chains. Biophysical Chemistry. 2023. 299. 107039-107039
Kouhei Kamasaka, Jun Kawamoto, Taiku Tsudzuki, Yuying Liu, Tomoya Imai, Takuya Ogawa, Tatsuo Kurihara. Capsular polysaccharide-mediated protein loading onto extracellular membrane vesicles of a fish intestinal bacterium,Shewanella vesiculosaHM13. bioRxiv. 2023
Takuya Ogawa, Misaki Kuboshima, Nittikarn Suwanawat, Jun Kawamoto, Tatsuo Kurihara. Division of the role and physiological impact of multiple lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase paralogs. BMC Microbiology. 2022. 22. 1
MISC (47):
井上宙夢, 河野健一, 川本純, 小川拓哉, 栗原達夫. 核酸含量から見た細菌細胞外膜小胞の多様性とそれらの生産に関わる遺伝子群. 日本生化学会大会(Web). 2023. 96th
井上宙夢, 河野健一, 川本純, 小川拓哉, 栗原達夫. Shewanella vesiculosa HM13の細胞外膜小胞生産関連遺伝子の生理機能解析. 日本農芸化学会関西支部講演会講演要旨集. 2023. 525th
正木翼加, 小川拓哉, 川本純, 栗原達夫. Analysis of the conversion of docosahexaenoic acid to eicosapentaenoic acid by β-oxidation enzymes in Shewanella livingstonensis Ac10. 日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web). 2023. 2023
都築大空, 今井友也, 川本純, 小川拓哉, 栗原達夫. Analysis of surface polysaccharide synthesis enzymes involved in the cargo transport to extracellular membrane vesicles of Shewanella vesiculosa HM13. 日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web). 2023. 2023
井上宙夢, 河野健一, 川本純, 小川拓哉, 栗原達夫. Screening and functional prediction of genes related to membrane vesicle production of Shewanella vesiculosa HM13 using a curvature-sensing peptide. 日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web). 2023. 2023
Books (3):
日本膜学会 2023
日本生物工学会 2019
日本ビタミン学会 2017
Lectures and oral presentations (3):
(第23回マリンバイオテクノロジー学会大会 2023)
Unique membrane phospholipids that control bacterial physiology
(日本生化学会第91回大会 2018)
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