Japan Academy of Midwifery: Evidence-based guidelines for midwifery care in pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal - 2020 Edition. Journal of Japan Academy of Midwifery. 2020. 33. 別冊. 1-183
飯田真理子、中村幸代、竹内翔子、佐藤いずみ. 妊婦さん向けの育児支援クラス”HUG Your Baby”の開催. 横浜市立大学地域貢献ニューズ1月号. 2020
The Respectful Maternity Care workshop in Tanzania: gathering ideas to make changes
(International Confederation of Midwives Africa Regional Conference (Windhoek, Namibia) 2019)
The role-play workshop of Respectful Maternity Care in Tanzania: putting heads together to improve care during childbirth
(International Confederation of Midwives Africa Regional Conference (Windhoek, Namibia) 2019)
Developing and implementing a hand-washing education program for kindergarteners in the Philippines.
(The 10th International Academic Consortium for Sustainable Cities (IACSC) Conference 2018(Makassar) 2019)