Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2023 - 2026 多自由度共振型振動水柱波力発電に関する研究
2020 - 2023 共振点追従型振動水柱波力発電装置に関する研究
2014 - 2016 ブローホール型波力発電における変動追従型制御とタービン発電機の開発
Papers (16):
Toru NAGAO, Keisuke MORI, Mitsumasa IINO. Impressions of Observers on the Shape of Large-scale Wind Turbines. Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering. 2024
Mitsumasa Iino, Hisashi Endo. Numerical Modelling of Double Slit Caisson Breakwater Integrated Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter with Modal Superposition Method. Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics. 2023. 13. 02. 92-103
Izumi Ushiyama, Toru Nagao, Mitsumasa Iino. TECHNICAL FORMATIONS OF LARGESCALE WIND TURBINES IN USA, GERMANY, AND DENMARK ~FROM 1930S TO 1980S SECOND REPORT AFTER OIL CRISIS. The Journal of Education for History of Technology. 2022. 23. 2. 23-31
Izumi Ushiyama, Toru Nagao, Mitsumasa Iino. TECHNICAL FORMATIONS OF LARGESCALE WIND TURBINES IN USA, GERMANY, AND DENMARK ~FROM 1930S TO 1980S FIRST REPORT BEFORE OIL CRISIS. The Journal of Education for History of Technology. 2022. 23. 2. 15-22
Mitsumasa IINO, Masahiro MATSUSHITA, Ikko TAJIMA, Hideki TOKUYAMA. Evaluation of regional storage characteristics and external energy input of photovoltaic-derived hydrogen in an air heat exchanged hydrogen storage alloy system. Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese). 2022. 88. 905. 21-00292