Kamano H., Nakamura S., Lee T.-S. H., Sato T. 30aTA-5 Λ* and Σ* spectroscopy with a comprehensive analysis of K-induced meson production reactions. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2014. 69. 1. 101-101
Nakamura Satoshi X., Kamano Hiroyuki, Sato Toru. 30aTA-6 Neutrino-nucleus interaction in resonance region. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2014. 69. 1. 101-101
Kamano H., Nakamura S., Lee T.-S.H., Sato T. Study of nucleon resonances with pseudoscalar meson photo-production reactions off neutron. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2013. 68. 2. 56-56
Light-quark baryon spectroscopy at J-PARC
(Reimei Workshop 2017 2017)
N* Transition Form Factors from the ANL-Osaka Dynamical Coupled-Channels Analysis of Meson Electroproductions
(JLab Workshop on "Exploring Hadrons with Electromagnetic Probes: Structure, Excitations, Interactions" 2017)
Electromagnetic N* Transition Form Factors in the ANL-Osaka Dynamical Coupled-Channel Approach
(The 11th International Workshop on the Physics of Excited Nucleons (NSTAR2017) 2017)
2015/03 - Physical Society of Japan 20th Outstanding Paper Award of the Physical Society of Japan Energy Dependence of KbarN Interactions and Resonance Pole of Strange Dibaryons