J-GLOBAL ID:201601003341721000
Update date: May. 24, 2020
Yamada Yoshiyuki
ヤマダ ヨシユキ | Yamada Yoshiyuki
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Affiliation and department:
University of Geneva Department of Basic Neurosciences
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Homepage URL (1):
Research keywords (6):
, 神経生理学
, 小脳
, Ca2+イメージング
, 神経回路
, in vivo
Papers (8):
Yamada Y, Bhaukaurally K, Madarász TJ, Pouget A, Rodriguez I, Carleton A. Context- and Output Layer-Dependent Long-Term Ensemble Plasticity in a Sensory Circuit. Neuron. 2017. 8. 93. 1198-1212
Yoshiyuki Yamada, Yoshifumi Matsumoto, Norio Okahara, Katsuhiko Mikoshiba. Chronic multiscale imaging of neuronal activity in the awake common marmoset. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2016. 6. 1. 35722
Yamada Y, Mikoshiba K, Frontiers in molecular, neuroscience, v. Editorial: Application of Genetically Encoded Indicators to Mammalian Central Nervous System. 2015. 8. 76
Hidekazu Tsutsui, Yuka Jinno, Akiko Tomita, Yusuke Niino, Yoshiyuki Yamada, Katsuhiko Mikoshiba, Atsushi Miyawaki, Yasushi Okamura. Improved detection of electrical activity with a voltage probe based on a voltage-sensing phosphatase. JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON. 2013. 591. 18. 4427-4437
Yoshiyuki Yamada, Katsuhiko Mikoshiba. Quantitative comparison of novel GCaMP-type genetically encoded Ca2+ indicators in mammalian neurons. FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR NEUROSCIENCE. 2012. 6. 41
Work history (1):
2013 - RIKEN
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