J-GLOBAL ID:201601004791186713
Update date: Jan. 20, 2025
チェ ヨンボン | CHOI YONG BUM
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Machine materials and mechanics
Research keywords (5):
Titanium matrix composite
, Metal and ceramic porous
, Metal and ceramic matrix composite
, Nano powder
, Thermal interface materials sheet
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
- 2018 - 2021 Development of environment-friendly as-cast Ti alloys both by simplifying the manufacturing process and expanding the alloy compositional area
- 2020 - 2021 溶融亜鉛への超音波印加によるめっき濡れ性改善およびそのメカニズム解明
- 2019 - 2020 溶融亜鉛への超音波印加によるめっき組織制御検討
- 2018 - 2020 ハイブリット含浸反応法による作製した複合材料の特性評価及び応用への展開
- 2014 - 2017 Optimum development of ubiquitous tools for formation of materials with low production-ability, using both the strengthening by borides addition and utilization of spark sintering
- 2015 - 2017 Development of a design guideline of the particle dispersion metal matrix material by the hybrid infiltration/reactiion method with considered the shape desinge of freedom
- 2011 - 2013 Control of thermal or elecrical properties and optimiazation of composition or shape for development of lead free electric fuses as environmentally friendly materials
- 2009 - 2011 Development of manufacturing process for multi-functional metal matrix composites with high shape flexibility
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Papers (164):
Zhang linfeng,Matsugi, Kazuhiro, Xu Zhefeng, Choi Yongbum. Mechanical Responses to Microstructure Evolution of 0.1C 8Mn-4Ni-3Al Steel Subjected to Inter-critical Annealing Time. Materials Transactions. 2024
Oxidation/Carburization Behavior of TiC-Ti Composites and Improved Wear Resistance through Surface Modification. Materials Transactions. 2024. 655. 3. 323-330
Xiao Yan, Gen Sasaki, Yongbum Choi, Tiansheng Wang, Zhefeng Xv, Chunzhi Zho, Kenjiro Sugio. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al/AlN interpenetrating phase composites with different preform porosity. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2024. 315. 129029
Zhang, Linfeng, Matsugi, Kazuhiro, Xu, Zhefeng, Choi, Yongbum, Sugio, Kenjiro, Ochi, Yusuke. Processing-Microstructure-Property Relationship in Governing High Strength-High Ductility Combination in Fe-4Mn-4Ni-3Al-0.1C Steel. MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS. 2024. 65. 8. 852-860
Liu, Bin, Matsugi, Kazuhiro, Xu, Zhefeng, Choi, Yongbum, Suetsugu, Ken-ichiro, Yu, Jinku. Effect ff ect of Indium on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Bismuth-Based High Temperature Solders. MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS. 2024. 65. 10. 1239-1243
MISC (28):
FUJITA Kenji, MATSUGI Kazuhiro, XU Zhefeng, CHOI Yongbum. 521 The fabrication of ubiquitously Fe-based hard materials by spark sintering. Materials and processing conference. 2015. 2015. 23. "521-1"-"521-4"
KAWADA Yuji, CHOI Yongbum, MATSUGI Kazuhiro, XU Zhefeng, SASAKI Gen. 326 Development of opencell porous metal with high porosity. Materials and processing conference. 2015. 2015. 23. "326-1"-"326-3"
UJINO Hiroshi, CHOI Yongbum, MATSUGI Kazuhiro, XU Zhefeng, SASAKI Gen, SUGIO Kenjiro. 202 Development of New Manufacturing Process of Carbon Nano-Fiber Reinforced Metal Matrix Composite. Materials and processing conference. 2015. 2015. 23. "202-1"-"202-3"
YAMADA Rio, HIROSE Takaaki, SUGIO Kenjiro, CHOI Yongbum, SASAKI Gen. 204 Effective Thermal Conductivity Measurement of Metal Matrix Composites and Thermal Conduction Simulation with Steady Method. Materials and processing conference. 2015. 2015. 23. "204-1"-"204-3"
HIROSE Takaaki, SUGIO Kenjiro, CHOI Yongbum, MATSUGI Kazuhiro, SASAKI Gen, LEE Moonhee, HINOKI Tatsuya. 205 Relationship Between Microstructure and Mechanical/Thermal Properties of TiB2/Al Composites. Materials and processing conference. 2015. 2015. 23. "205-1"-"205-3"
Patents (3):
Method for manufacturing Fe-SiC composite material and Fe-SiC composite material
Fe-based sintered body, Fe-based sintered body production method and Hot-Pressing Die
Lectures and oral presentations (228):
(第16回 軽金属学会 中国四国支部 講演大会 2024)
ボーロンシートを用いたTiB分散強化型チタン基複合材料の 革新的製造プロセス開発
(第16回 軽金属学会 中国四国支部 講演大会 2024)
(第16回 軽金属学会 中国四国支部 講演大会 2024)
(第16回 軽金属学会 中国四国支部 講演大会 2024)
(第16回 軽金属学会 中国四国支部 講演大会 2024)
Professional career (1):
- Doctor of Engineering (Hiroshima University)
Work history (3):
- 2020/03 - 現在 広島大学先進理工系科学研究科 准教授
- 2007/06/01 - Hiroshima University Faculty of Engineering Assistant professor
- 2006/06/01 - Kyoto University Institute of Advanced Energy Researcher
Committee career (1):
- 2022/04/01 - 2024/03/31 日本鋳造工学会中国四国支部 理事
Awards (33):
- 2024/04/24 - 公益社団法人日本鋳造工学会中国四国支部支部長 公益社団法人 日本鋳造工学会 片島賞 金型凝固した球状黒鉛鋳鉄の溶解プロセスにおける窒素状態の定量的変化
- 2021/04/27 - Hiroshima university Katazima award Possibility of As-cast applications on beta-type titanium alloys proposed in the newly expanded area of Bot-Mdt diagram
- 2021/04/27 - Katazima award Effect of Si Effect of Si Addition on Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-1.5%Mn alloys
- 2019/12/07 - Poster Paper Awards Manufacturing Process Of Graphene Reinforced Metal Matrix Composite With High Volume Rate Of Graphene
- 2019/12/07 - The Korean Society for Composite Materials Poster Paper Awards Manufacturing Process Of Graphene Reinforced Metal Matrix Composite With High Volume Rate Of Graphene
- 2019/12/07 - The Korean Society for Composite Materials Best Poster Award Manufacturing Process Of Graphene Reinforced Metal Matrix Composite With High Volume Rate Of Graphene
- 2018/12/07 - JSMP Best Poster Award Microstructure and Property of Graphene Reinforced Metal Matrix Composite
- 2017/07/29 - 軽金属学会中四国支部 優秀講演賞 ニッケル多孔体の表面状況による金属間化合物の微細化に与える影響
- 2017/07/29 - 軽金属学会中四国支部 優秀講演賞 Microstructure and Texture of Ti/Al/Mg Five-ply LaminatedComposites Prepared by Hot-roll Bonding
- 2017/07/29 - 軽金属学会中四国支部 優秀講演賞 高温はんだ用Bi-Sb系合金の作製と特性評価
- 2016/10/18 - The Best Presentation Award Development of manufurcturing process of porous VGCF and their mechanical property
- 2016/10/18 - 10th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials The Best Presentation Award Development of manufurcturing process of porous VGCF and their mechanical property
- 2016/07/12 - 軽金属学会中四国支部 優秀講演賞 含浸反応法による金属間化合物粒子強化複合材料の製造及びその特性評価
- 2016/07/09 - 研究開発奨励賞 アルミニウム基複合材料における強化相のサイズと有効熱伝導率の関係
- 2016/07/09 - 軽金属学会中国四国支部 研究開発奨励賞 アルミニウム基複合材料における強化相のサイズと有効熱伝導率の関係
- 2016/04/21 - Katazima Award Compostional optimization of Al-Mn-X alloys and their tensile and corrosion properties
- 2016/04/21 - Japan Foundry Engineering Society, Branch of Chyugoku-shikoku Encouragement prize
- 2016/04/21 - Japan Foundry Engineering Society, Branch of Chyugoku-shikoku Katazima Award Compostional optimization of Al-Mn-X alloys and their tensile and corrosion properties
- 2015/10/29 - 10th The 10th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Composite Materials Best Paper Award Development of new manufacturing process of carbon nano fiber reinforced metal matrix composite
- 2015/04/22 - 公益社団法人日本鋳造工学会中国四国支部支部長 公益社団法人日本鋳造工学会中国四国支部第8回片島賞
- 2014/04/22 - 日本鋳造学会中国四国支部 片島賞 高温対応の鉛フリーはんだ用Zn-Al-Sn合金の設計、特性
- 2014/03/18 - JILM 功労賞
- 2013/07/06 - 一般社団法人軽金属学会中国四国支部支部長 軽金属学会中国四国支部研究・開発奨励賞
- 2012/07/07 - 一般社団法人軽金属学会中国四国支部長 軽金属学会中国四国支部 研究・開発奨励賞
- 2012/04/24 - 公益社団法人日本鋳造工学会中国四国支部長 公益社団法人日本鋳造工学会中国四国支部 片島賞
- 2011/07/09 - 一般社団法人軽金属学会 中国四国支部第三回研究・開発奨励賞 「低圧含浸法で作製した炭素繊維/アルミニウム複合材料の放熱板への展開」
- 2011/04/26 - 社団法人日本鋳造工学会中国四国支部 第4回片島賞 「Alloy design of Ti alloys using ubiquitous alloying elements and characteristics of their levitation-melted alloys」
- 2010/07/10 - (社)軽金属学会中国四国支部 軽金属学会中国四国支部第二回講演大会研究・開発奨励賞 「ユビキタス合金元素を用いたチタン合金の設計と浮揚溶解したそれら合金の特性」
- 2010/07/10 - (社)軽金属学会中国四国支部 軽金属学会中国四国支部第二回講演大会研究・開発奨励賞
- 2009/09/15 - (社)日本金属学会 (社)日本金属学会 第57回論文賞 「ユビキタス元素によるα+β型Ti-6Al-4V合金の代替化と浮揚溶解したそれら合金の特性評価」
- 2009/06/24 - (社)日本鋳造工学会中国四国支部 (社)日本鋳造工学会中国四国支部第2回片島賞 「Melting and solidification of TiNi alloys by cold crucible levitation method, and evaluation of their characteristics」
- 10th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials The Best Presentation Award Development of Manufacturing Process of Porous VGCF and Their Mechanical Property
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Association Membership(s) (5):
Japan Foundry Engineering Society
, Japan Society for Composite Materials
, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering
, Tha Japan Institute of Light Metals
, The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials
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