Nanako Murata. Memory or History?: Narratives on the Rescue Operation of Greek Refugees by a Japanese Ship at Smyrna in 1922. Bulletin of Toyo University, Department of History. 2020. 73. 45. 157-204
Greek Christians' Memories about Asia Minor before the Population Exchange in 1923
(The Formation of the Relationship Between Modern Japan and the Islamic World 2023)
Narrative in Turmoil: Japanese Ship’s Rescue Operation in Smyrna in September 1922
(Ινστιτούτο Διεθνών Οικονομικών Σχέσεων 2019)
An Aftermath of the Paris Peace Conference: Christian Refugees and a Japanese Ship in Izmir in 1922
(The Roots of the Japanese Policy against the Middle East and Islam: Reconsiderations on 100th Anniversary of Paris Peace Conference (1919) 2019)