J-GLOBAL ID:201601007496222758
Update date: Nov. 27, 2024
Tsunematsu Hiroshi
Tsunematsu Hiroshi
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Other affiliations (1):
Research field (2):
Molecular biology
, Plant genetics and breeding
Research keywords (2):
, Genetics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2003 - 2004 イネの深根性に関する遺伝・育種学的研究
Papers (16):
Shoji Taniguchi, Toshihiro Sakamoto, Ryoji Imase, Yasunori Nonoue, Hiroshi Tsunematsu, Akitoshi Goto, Kei Matsushita, Sinnosuke Ohmori, Hideo Maeda, Yoshinobu Takeuchi, et al. Prediction of heading date, culm length, and biomass from canopy-height-related parameters derived from time-series UAV observations of rice. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022. 13
Yoshimichi Fukuta, Yohei Koide, Nobuya Kobayashi, Hiroshi Kato, Hiroki Saito, Mary Jeanie Telebanco-Yanoria, Leodegario A. Ebron, Doris Mercado-Escueta, Hiroshi Tsunematsu, Ikuo Ando, et al. Lines for blast resistance genes with genetic background of Indica Group rice as international differential variety set. Plant Breeding. 2022. 141. 5. 609-620
Kazuki Matsubara, Eiji Yamamoto, Nobuya Kobayashi, Takuro Ishii, Junichi Tanaka, Hiroshi Tsunematsu, Satoshi Yoshinaga, Osamu Matsumura, Jun-ichi Yonemaru, Ritsuko Mizobuchi, et al. Improvement of Rice Biomass Yield through QTL-Based Selection. PLOS ONE. 2016. 11. 3. e0151830
Hiroaki Samejima, Hiroshi Tsunematsu. Genotypic variation in rice varieties screened for deep rooting under field conditions in West Africa. PLANT PRODUCTION SCIENCE. 2016. 19. 1. 181-192
Jun-Ichi Yonemaru, Ritsuko Mizobuchi, Hiroshi Kato, Toshio Yamamoto, Eiji Yamamoto, Kazuki Matsubara, Hideyuki Hirabayashi, Yoshinobu Takeuchi, Hiroshi Tsunematsu, Takuro Ishii, et al. Genomic regions involved in yield potential detected by genome-wide association analysis in Japanese high-yielding rice cultivars. BMC GENOMICS. 2014. 15. 346
MISC (16):
竹内善信, 松下景, 大森伸之介, 荒井裕見子, 後藤明俊, 石井卓朗, 佐藤宏之, 平林秀介, 常松浩史, 田中淳一, et al. 中食・外食用の多収米品種「ほしじるし」と「とよめき」. 農研機構作物研究部門成果情報(Web). 2021. 2021
小川大輔, 坂本利弘, 常松浩史, 菅野徳子, 野々上慈徳, 米丸淳一. Haplotype analysis of data from UAV imagery of rice MAGIC population to understand rice yield and biomass. 育種学研究. 2021. 23
小川大輔, 坂本利弘, 常松浩史, 菅野徳子, 野々上慈徳, 米丸淳一. 水稲生育に関わる染色体領域を空撮画像により特定する技術. 農研機構次世代作物開発研究センター成果情報(Web). 2020. 2020
小川大輔, 常松浩史, 坂本利弘, 野々上慈徳, 菅野徳子, 米丸淳一. 初期生育期のバイオマス予測のための多収稲MAGIC系統群のドローン観察. 育種学研究. 2019. 21
米丸淳一, 小川大輔, 山本英司, 山本英司, 大谷寿一, 菅野徳子, 常松浩史, 野々上慈徳, 矢野昌裕, 山本敏央. 国内多収稲8品種に由来する多系交雑集団(JAPAN-MAGIC)のハプロタイプ解析. 育種学研究. 2017. 19. 65
Books (1):
日本の米づくり (3) イネ・米・田んぼの歴史
岩崎書店 2015 ISBN:4265083935
Professional career (1):
博士(農学) (九州大学)
Work history (5):
2016/04 - 現在 NICS
2009/04 - 2016/03 NICS
2000/10 - 2009/03 JIRCAS
2000/04 - 2000/09 生物系特定産業技術研究推進機構
1996/12 - 2000/03 IRRI
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