J-GLOBAL ID:201601007620109639
Update date: Feb. 01, 2024
Mochizuki Hiroko
モチヅキ ヒロコ | Mochizuki Hiroko
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (2):
Neuroscience - general
, Experimental psychology
Research keywords (5):
, Cognitive Neuroscience
, Horticultural Therapy
, Taste
, Learning and Memory
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
- 2021 - 2025 味覚のバイオリズムを知ることで豊かな生活を実現:味覚変動の解明と応用
- 2013 - 2015 花弁柔細胞で早期老化を引き起こすヌクレアーゼ機構の解明
- 2008 - 2011 情動的ストレス状況下において「花」が人にもたらす生理的・神経科学的効果
- 2007 - 2007 内発的動機付けに関わる神経基盤の解明
- 2003 - 2005 記憶の脳内メカニズムの解明とその応用 - 手続き記憶を中心として -
Papers (21):
Hideaki Oike, Kaoru Kohyama, Hiroko Mochizuki-Kawai, Kayo Azami. Food hardness influences the progression of age-related hearing loss in mice. Experimental gerontology. 2021. 149. 111335-111335
Hiroko Mochizuki-Kawai, Taito Sakaba, Yuriko Yamakawa. Indoor horticultural therapy for older adults living in a nursing home: Bedside structured floral arrangement program. Geriatrics & gerontology international. 2021. 21. 6. 538-539
Hiroko Mochizuki-Kawai, Izumi Matsuda, Satoshi Mochizuki. Viewing a flower image provides automatic recovery effects after psychological stress. Journal of Environmental Psychology. 2020. 70. 101445-101445
Hiroko Mochizuki-Kawai, Izumi Kotani, Satoshi Mochizuki, Yuriko Yamakawa. The impact of a structured floral arrangement (SFA) program on caregivers’ mental health: A pilot study. Trends in Medicine. 2018. 18. 6. 1-4
Mochizuki-Kawai Hiroko, Kotani Izumi, Mochizuki Satoshi, Yamakawa Yuriko. Structured Floral Arrangement Program Benefits in Patients With Neurocognitive Disorder. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY. 2018. 9
MISC (11):
Investigation of the vase life of important cut flowers at normal and high temperatures. 2015. 15. 15-24
望月寛子, 月浦 崇, 望月 聡, 河村 満. 学習の般化における大脳基底核の役割. 第32回日本神経心理学会総会,東京. 2008
MOCHIZUKI KAWAI H., ABE Y., OTAKA T., SADAMURA M., MOCHIZUKI S., ARAI M., YAMAKAWA Y. Effects of flower arrangements as cognitive rehabilitation. 2007. 6. 2. 632-632
Suzuki C, Mochizuki-Kawai H, Shigemune Y, Iijima T, Tsukiura T. Dissociable roles of the prefrontal and medial temporal lobe structures to experienced-based reasoning: An fMRI study. The 36th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, USA. 2006
Mochizuki-Kawai H, Tsukiura T, Mochizuki S, Kawamura M. Brain activations underlying positive transfer of sequential learning: an fMRI study. The 35th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, USA. 2005
Patents (1):
Professional career (1):
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