The Nature of the Chemonuclear Reaction: A New World of Thermodynamically Superenhanced Nuclear/Hadron Reactions
Ikegami Laboratory Research Archives, 2020
‘Ch;Building;OSCA;Lessons of the OSCE;the Role of Japan’;D. Vanoverbeke;Ueta, Suami;Peeters (eds;Developing EU-Japan Relations in;a Changing Regional Context;A Focus on;Security, Law;Policies
London & New York: Routledge 2018
‘Taiwan’s Strategic Relations with its Neighbours: A Countervailing Force to Rising China’, Lim & Damm (eds)
VS Verslag/Springer Academic Publisher 2011
‘Challenges of Rising China: A New Cold War or Neo-Imperialism?’, Ahmed, Panda, et al. (eds) Towards a New Asian Order
Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), Delhi: Shipra Publications 2011
‘Peace & Conflict in a Globalised World: Linking Regional Security to Global Peace’, Vasilache & Seidelmann et al. (eds) States, Regions, and the Global System: Europe and Northern Asia-Pacificin Globalized Governance
Baden-Baden: Nomos Publishing House 2011
1998 - Uppsala University Department of Peace and Conflict Research Ph.D.
1996 - The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology Doctor of Socioogy
Work history (12):
2019/04 - 現在 Tokyo Institute of Technology Nuclear Engineering, Department of Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering Affiliated Professor
2016/04 - 現在 Tokyo Institute of Technology School of Environment and Society, Department of Innovation Science professor
2013/10 - 現在 Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology Department of Value Science Professor
2014 - 2019 Tohoku University, International Graduate School of Accounting Policy (IGSAP) Guest Professor
2017 - Uppsala University, Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management Affiliated Professor
2010/01 - 2013/09 Stockholm University Department of Political Science Professor
2005/04 - 2009/12 Stockholm University Center for Pacific Asia Studies (CPAS) Professor
2001/09 - 2008/12 Stockholm University Center for Pacific Asia Studies (CPAS) Director
2001/05 - 2005/03 Stockholm University Center for Pacific Asia Studies (CPAS) Associate Professor
2000/07 - 2001/04 Stockholm University Center for Pacific Asia Studies (CPAS) Senior Lecturer
1999/08 - 2000/06 Stockholm University Department of Japanese Studies Assistant Professor of Japanese Studies
1999/01 - 1999/07 Uppsala University Department of Peace and Conflict Research Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
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Committee career (5):
2020/04 - 現在 Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Japan Chapter (INMMJ) Member of the board of directors
2017/04 - 現在 Japan Association of Disarmament Studies Member of the board of directors
2016/10 - 現在 Japan Pugwash of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs Member of the steering committee
2016/04 - 現在 Japan Association of Disarmament Studies Editor of the journal, Disarmament Studies
2015/10 - 2016/09 Japan Pugwash of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs Auditor
Association Membership(s) (4):
Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Japan Chapter (INMMJ)
, Japan Association for International Security
, Japan Society for Defence Studies
, Japan Pugwash of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs