Research field (1):
Animals: biochemistry, physiology, behavioral science
Research keywords (4):
, Fish
, Reproduction
, Osmoregulation
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
2024 - 2027 CO2上昇に伴い水温上昇と酸性化が進む海洋にアユは順応できるのか
2020 - 2023 Mechanisms of osmoregulatory diversification in stickleback
2015 - 2018 Physiological roles of relaxin in vertebrates
2012 - 2014 Identification of novel gastric systems by comparing genomic sequences between stomachless fishes and true stomach fishes
2011 - 2014 Endocrine interaction of brain and gut that governs seawater adaptation in fishes
2012 - 2014 Functional analysis of relaxins in teleosts
2010 - 2012 Regional regulation of corticosteroid in teleosts
2007 - 2008 Osmoregulatory regulation of corticosteroids in teleosts
Show all
Papers (40):
Katayama Y, Saito A, Ogoshi M, Tsuneoka Y, Mukuda T, Azuma M, Kusakabe M, Takei Y, Tsukada T. Gene duplication of C-type natriuretic peptide-4 (CNP4) in teleost lineage elicits subfunctionalization of ancestral CNP. Cell and Tissue Research. 2022. Online ahead of print. 2. 225-238
Shinzato C, Takeuchi T, Yoshioka Y, Tada I, Kanda M, Broussard C, Iguchi A, Kusakabe M, Marin F, Satoh N, et al. Whole-Genome Sequencing Highlights Conservative Genomic Strategies of a Stress-Tolerant, Long-Lived Scleractinian Coral, Porites australiensis Vaughan, 1918. Genome Biology and Evolution. 2021. 13. 12. evab270
Kitano J, Kakioka R, Ishikawa A, Toyoda A, Kusakabe M. Differences in the contributions of sex linkage and androgen regulation to sex-biased gene expression in juvenile and adult sticklebacks. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 2020. 1129-1138
Fajri MN, Ouchi T, Takei Y, Hyodo S, Kusakabe M. Analysis of Temperature Tolerance in Juvenile Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta). North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Technical Report. 2021. 17. 35-37
責任著者, Kusakabe M, 共著者]Nobata S, Takei Y, Hyodo S. Changes in the plasma sex steroid levels of chum salmon returning to the Otsuchi Bay during the home migration period. Marine Ecosystems after Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. 2016. 113-114
2009/12 - Elsevier Top Reviewer in 2009 of General and Comparative Endocrinology
2001/05 - New Zealand Society of Endocrinologists Annual Scientific Meeting 2001 Pharmacia Best Junior Presentation Prize Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) in rainbow trout
Association Membership(s) (4):
The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science
, The Japanese Coral Reef Society
, The Zoological Society of Japan
, Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology