J-GLOBAL ID:201601011496275298
Update date: Sep. 01, 2020
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Affiliation and department:
Kumamoto University Faculty of Life Sciences
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Papers (7):
Takuya Uchikawa, Toshihiro Kanno, Isao Maruyama, Nobuko Mori, Akira Yasutake, Yuji Ishii, Hideyuki Yamada. Demethylation of methylmercury and the enhanced production of formaldehyde in mouse liver. JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2016. 41. 4. 479-487
Misako Taniguchi, Nobuko Mori, Chizuru Iramina, Akira Yasutake. Elevation of Glucose 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Activity Induced by Amplified Insulin Response in Low Glutathione Levels in Rat Liver. Scientific World Journal. 2016. 2016. 6382467
Nobuko Mori, Akira Yasutake, Masumi Marumoto, Kimiko Hirayama. Methylmercury inhibits electron transport chain activity and induces cytochrome c release in cerebellum mitochondria. JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2011. 36. 3. 253-259
N. Mori, A. Yasutake, K. Hirayama. Comparative study of activities in reactive oxygen species production/defense system in mitochondria of rat brain and liver, and their susceptibility to methylmercury toxicity. ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY. 2007. 81. 11. 769-776
N Mori, K Hirayama. Effect of long-term excessive L-methionine consumption on transferrin receptor abundance and mitochondrial H2O2 generation in rat liver. JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCE. 2004. 50. 3. 277-285
MISC (1):
平山紀美子, 安武 章, 森 信子. メチル水銀に対する感受性決定要因とその作用メカニズムに関する研究-酸化的ストレスの関与-. 平成15年度環境省委託業務結果報告書「水俣病に関する総合的研究(重金属等の健康影響に関する総合研究)」. 2004. 204-215
Lectures and oral presentations (1):
(北陸大学学術フロンティア・サテライトミーティング~メチル水銀毒性の分子標的~ 2010)
Professional career (1):
博士(薬学) (熊本大学)
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