J-GLOBAL ID:201601012249922546
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024
Takahashi Akihiro
タカハシ アキヒロ | Takahashi Akihiro
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Agricultural and food economics
Research keywords (3):
, 集落営農
, 農業経営
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11):
- 2020 - 2024 ジェンダー視点から見た農業経営体の経営継承意識に関する定性的研究
- 2018 - 2022 Research on farmland owner behavior and regional agricultural resource management under the majority of "pure landowners"
- 2016 - 2020 Research about Management theory on Psychological Contract in Group Farming
- 2015 - 2018 A study on the reorganization and functionalization of regional agricultural governance in the farmland fluidity progress area
- 2013 - 2016 Research about community business at group farming.
- 2012 - 2015 A Study on the Organizational and Operational Configuration of Non-profit Enterprises in the Farm Sector
- 2010 - 2012 Research on Small Business of Community Farm in Disadvantaged Area
- 2009 - 2011 Study on Adopting Competitive Grants and Developing Its Condition in Agricultural Policy
- 2007 - 2009 Research about Merger of Group farming Organization from perspective of Organizational theory
- 2007 - 2008 Research on New Support System for Regional Agriculture Based on Cooperation Among Relevant Organizations
- 2006 - 2008 Study on the networking of the farmers and their ability development through group formation
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Papers (8):
Impact and Adaptation of Adoption for Employed Worker at Group Farming. 農業経営研究 = Japanese journal of farm management. 2015. 53. 2. 15-18
Takahashi Akihiro, Umemoto Masaki. Mergers of Community Farming through Absorption, Coexistence, and Assimilation:A Case Study of the Hokuriku Region. JRE. 2012. 83. 4. 234-245
TAKAHASHI Akihiro, UMEMOTO Masaki. The Restructuring of a Farming Information Network as a Result of a Group Farm Merger. Japanese Journal of Farm Management. 2010. 48. 3. 1-10
TAKAHASHI Akihiro, UMEMOTO Masaki. Prerequisite of Diversification Strategy in Merger of Group farming Organization. Japanese Journal of Farm Management. 2009. 47. 1. 76-81
TAKAHASHI Akihiro, UMEMOTO Masaki, FUJII Yoshitaka. New Trend of Production and Personnel Management on Group Farming Organization. Japanese Journal of Farm Management. 2008. 46. 1. 19-24
MISC (24):
高橋 明広. 担い手への農地集約化に向けた推進チームの「交渉」に関する一考察. 2021. 111. 1-6
高橋 明広. 農地貸借におけるステークホルダーマネジメントに関する組織間関係論的考察. 関東東海北陸農業経営研究. 2021. 111. 7-13
Study on Psychological Contracts of Employee in Group Farming. 関東東海北陸農業経営研究 = Kantō Tōkai Hokuriku journal of farm management. 2020. 110. 45-50
高橋, 明広, 澤田, 守, 蔡, 鎔宇. Characteristic about farmer's organization basis on Dulnyouk in Korea. 関東東海北陸農業経営研究. 2017. 107. 25-33
高橋, 明広. Research about Social Action Business at Group Farming. 関東東海北陸農業経営研究. 2016. 106. 49-52
Books (2):
農林統計出版 2016
Professional career (1):
Committee career (1):
- 2016/09 - 2018/09 日本農業経営学会 総務担当理事
Awards (1):
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