J-GLOBAL ID:201601013438756343   Update date: Sep. 02, 2024

Hayashi Shogo

ハヤシ ショウゴ | Hayashi Shogo
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Homepage URL  (2): https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/d/r/60349496.ja.htmlhttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Shogo_Hayashi2
Research field  (5): Rehabilitation science ,  Healthcare management, medical sociology ,  Anatomy ,  Basic nursing ,  Urology
Research keywords  (27): 解剖セミナー ,  体表解剖 ,  精巣 ,  フィジカルアセスメント ,  質問紙調査 ,  看護教育 ,  自己免疫疾患 ,  肥満(obesity) ,  精子抗原 ,  精子形成 ,  食欲(appetite) ,  peptide YY ,  PP(pancreatic polypeptide) ,  pancreatic polypeptide ,  質問紙調査票 ,  PYY(peptide YY) ,  炎症 ,  抗原解析 ,  捻転 ,  膵臓(pancreas) ,  再生(regeneration) ,  3次元構造 ,  摂食(food intake) ,  マウス ,  NPY(neuropeptide Y) ,  neuropeptide Y ,  血流障害
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (12):
  • 2022 - 2027 Development of high-quality knee joint dislocation simulation model for acquiring inspection and palpation techniques
  • 2020 - 2023 解剖体の多目的利用を可能とする新たな処置方法の開発及び管理運用システムの構築
  • 2017 - 2022 Development of high-quality shoulder joint dislocation simulation model for acquiring inspection and palpation techniques
  • 2015 - 2020 Construction of comprehensive anatomy training model leading to physical assessment
  • 2015 - 2019 Immunosuppressive microenvironment in the testicular tissues
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Papers (136):
  • Chun-Ai Li, Shogo Hayashi, Zhe Wu Jin, Masahito Yamamoto, Yoko Ueda, Gen Murakami. Fetal development and growth of extensor tendons and their sheaths in the dorsal side of the wrist and hand: a histological study. Folia Morphologica. 2024
  • Hidetomo Hirouchi, Yuki Takeuchi, Tianyi Yang, Masahito Yamamoto, Shogo Hayashi, Gen Murakami, Jose Francisco Rodríguez-Vázquez, Shinichi Abe. Transient contribution of the sphenoid ala major to the socket of the temporomandibular joint in near-term fetuses. The Anatomical Record. 2024
  • Daisuke Kiyoshima, Osamu Tanaka, Hayato Terayama, Ning Qu, Kenta Nagahori, Yoko Ueda, Masahito Yamamoto, Kaori Suyama, Shogo Hayashi, Kou Sakabe. Right and Left Coronary and Conus Arteries Originating from Three Separate Ostia in the Right Valsalva Sinus in a Japanese Cadaver: A Case Study with Literature Review. Medicina. 2024. 60. 5. 730-730
  • Kwang Ho Cho, Ji Hyun Kim, Masahito Yamamoto, Shogo Hayashi, Gen Murakami, Jose Francisco Rodríguez-Vázquez. Growth of the brachial nerve plexus with reference to topographical relation of the medianus nerve ansa with the thoracic wall and shoulder: a histologic study using human embryos and fetuses. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. 2024. 46. 4. 443-449
  • Ji Hyun Kim, Shogo Hayashi, Gen Murakami, José Francisco Rodríguez-Vázquez, Hiroshi Abe. A marginal branch of the left hepatic artery running along the umbilical vein and supplying the anterior surface of the liver left lobe: a report of 5 cases in 12 Japanese human fetuses. Anatomy & cell biology. 2023. 56. 4. 579-583
MISC (47):
  • Cho KH, Kim JH, Yamamoto M, Hayashi S, Murakami G, Rodríguez-Vázquez JF. Growth of the brachial nerve plexus with reference to topographical relation of the medianus nerve ansa with the thoracic wall and shoulder: a histological study using human embryos and fetuses. Research Square. 2023
  • Shogo Hayashi. Concept of Laennec's capsule and its evolution : systemic understanding of peritoneum, capsule, and sheath. 2023. 78. 3. 271-277
  • 永堀健太, 永堀健太, 曲寧, 曲寧, 倉升三幸, 清島大資, 寺山隼人, 隅山香織, 林省吾. 放射線単回照射および分割照射におけるマウス精巣のmRNA発現の変化. 日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会抄録集(CD-ROM). 2023. 128th
  • 田中龍太, 田中龍太, 清島大資, 隅山香織, 曲寧, 林省吾. 距骨軟骨損傷は足関節靭帯の形態的特徴と関連する. 日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会抄録集(CD-ROM). 2023. 128th
  • 白井, 隆之, 河田, 晋一, 林, 省吾, 伊藤, 正裕, 松村, 一. SSS 法固定 Cadaver による手外科領域の皮弁挙 上トレーニングの有用性. 東京医科大学雑誌 = The Journal of Tokyo Medical University. 2021. 79. 4. 358-359
Books (9):
  • プロメテウス解剖学エッセンシャルテキスト(第2版)
    Igaku-Shoin 2023 ISBN:9784260052153
  • プロメテウス解剖学エッセンシャルテキスト
    Igaku-Shoin 2019 ISBN:9784260036870
  • Essential解剖学 : テキスト&アトラス
    Nankodo 2015 ISBN:9784524261291
  • Big Picture 解剖学 (Lange Textbook シリーズ)
    Maruzen 2014 ISBN:9784621088425
  • 看護で役立つ 診療に伴う技術と解剖生理
    Maruzen 2014 ISBN:9784621087442
Lectures and oral presentations  (235):
  • 腹膜、肝被膜、Laennec被膜の解剖学的理解 - 肝臓は何枚の膜で包まれているか?
    (第15回肝臓内視鏡外科研究会 2021)
  • 椎間板髄核細胞におけるBag1と細胞ストレス応答因子の関連の評価
    (日本整形外科学会雑誌 2021)
  • Direct anterior approachとAnterolateral supineの外側大腿皮神経損傷リスクの検討-解剖献体を用いた検討-
    (第94回日本整形外科学術集会 2021)
  • 人工股関節置換術における外側大腿皮神経損傷の解剖学的検討 解剖献体を用いたアプローチ別の検討
    (日本整形外科学会雑誌 2021)
  • 後大腿皮神経と交通する腓腹神経の1例
    (第126回 日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会 第98回 日本生理学会大会 合同大会 2021)
Work history (9):
  • 2021/08 - 現在 Tokyo Medical University Visiting professor
  • 2020/04 - 現在 Tokai University School of Medicine Faculty of Medicine Professor
  • 2017/04 - 2020/03 International University of Health and Welfare (IUHW) School of Medicine Medical Education Center Associate professor
  • 2017/04 - 2020/03 International University of Health and Welfare (IUHW) School of Medicine Department of Anatomy Associate Professor
  • 2014/06 - 2017/03 Tokyo Medical University Department of Anatomy Associate Professor
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Committee career (3):
  • 2020/06 - 現在 Foundation for Training and Licensure Examination in Judo Therapy Judo therapist national examiner
  • 2020/06 - 現在 Japanese Association of Anatomists (JAA) Representative
  • 2020/04 - 現在 人類形態科学研究会 運営委員
Awards (6):
  • 2019/09 - Publons Global Peer Review Awards Top reviewers in Biology and Biochemistry; Top reviewers in Cross-Field
  • 2018/09 - Publons Global Peer Review Awards Top reviewers in CLINICAL MEDICINE
  • 2016/09 - Publons Sentinels of Science Awards Sentinels of Science: Medicine
  • 2015/05 - Tokyo Medical University Sassa Memorial Award Saturated Salt Solution Method: A Useful Cadaver Embalming for Surgical Skills Training
  • 2015/03 - The Japanese Association of Anatomist Encouragement Award Application of cadavars embalmed by the saturated salt solution method for surgical training
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Association Membership(s) (6):
Japanese Society of Nursing Art and Science ,  Japan Research Society of Clinical Anatomy ,  Japan Academy of Nursing Education ,  Japan Society for Medical English Education ,  JAPAN SOCIETY FOR MEDICAL EDUCATION ,  THE JAPANESE ASSOCIATION OF ANATOMISTS
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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