J-GLOBAL ID:201601016890481954   Update date: Sep. 26, 2024


Affiliation and department:
Job title: Associate Professor
Research field  (2): Healthcare management, medical sociology ,  Anesthesiology
Papers (44):
  • Umegaki T, Nishimoto K, Kamibayashi T. Associations of the staffing structure of intensive care units and high care units on in-hospital mortality among patients with sepsis: a cross-sectional study of Japanese nationwide claims data. BMJ open. 2024. 14. 7. e085763
  • 西本浩太, 梅垣岳志, 上林卓彦. 肺血症患者への免疫グロブリン投与によるIgG値と退院時転帰との関連. 臨床麻酔. 2022. 46. 4. 539-543
  • Nishimoto K, Umegaki T, Ohira S, Soeda T, Anada N, Uba T, Shoji T, Kusunoki M, Nakajima Y, Kamibayashi T. Impact of Permissive Hypoxia and Hyperoxia Avoidance on Clinical Outcomes in Septic Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilation: A Retrospective Single-Center Study. BioMed research international. 2021. 2021. 7332027
  • Takeshi Umegaki, Susumu Kunisawa, Kota Nishimoto, Yasufumi Nakajima, Takahiko Kamibayashi, Yuichi Imanaka. Paraplegia After Open Surgical Repair Versus Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair for Thoracic Aortic Disease: A Retrospective Analysis of Japanese Administrative Data. Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia. 2021
  • Umegaki T, Kunisawa S, Nishimoto K, Kamibayashi T, Imanaka Y. Effectiveness of combined antithrombin and thrombomodulin therapy on in-hospital mortality in mechanically ventilated septic patients with disseminated intravascular coagulation. Scientific Reports. 2020
MISC (21):
  • 福井 有華, 梅垣 岳志, 相原 聡, 添田 岳宏, 右馬 猛生, 上林 卓彦. 2024. 48. 6. 779-782
  • Aihara S, Umegaki T, Soeda T, Iwamura H, Takeda J, Nonaka M, Kamibayashi T. Cerebral vasospasm occurring immediately after endoscopic transsphenoidal resection of a pituitary adenoma: A case report. Surgical neurology international. 2024. 15. 201
  • 仁志川麗子, 梅垣岳志, 右馬猛生, 上林卓彦. 後方進入頚椎椎弓形成・ヘルニア摘出術後長期間経過後に上気道閉塞をきたした1症例. 日本臨床麻酔学会誌. 2024. 44. 2. 180-183
  • 平島梨容子, 梅垣岳志, 岡本真季, 上村文了, 上林卓彦. 全身麻酔下脳血管内治療後の抗凝固療法中にPONVによりマロリー・ワイス症候群から出血性ショックに至った1症例. 麻酔. 2023. 72. 7. 696-699
  • 梅垣岳志, 相原 聡, 添田岳宏, 穴田夏樹, 右馬猛生, 楠 宗矩, 岩崎光生, 上林卓彦. 食道癌手術におけるオピオイドフリー術後疼痛管理の可能性. 臨床麻酔. 2023. 47. 2. 187-190
Lectures and oral presentations  (118):
  • 麻酔科医が知っておきたい集中治療のトピックス
    (日本麻酔科学会第70回関西支部学術集会 2024)
  • 胸腔鏡下僧帽弁形成術後に右横隔神経麻痺を来した1例
    (日本麻酔科学会第70回関西支部学術集会 2024)
  • 頸椎手術後に気脳症を合併し痙攣・意識障害に至った症例
    (日本麻酔科学会第70回関西支部学術集会 2024)
  • 抜去困難な硬膜外カテーテルを透析用留置針の外筒を用いて抜去に成功した一症例
    (第11回日本区域麻酔学会学術集会 2024)
  • ニボルマブ・イピリムマブ併用療法中に皮疹・副腎不全を発症し、その加療中に心筋炎を併発した1例
    (第51回日本集中治療医学会学術集会 2024)
Association Membership(s) (6):
Japan Epidemiological Association ,  Japanese Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists ,  Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists ,  The Japan Society for Clinical Anesthesia ,  The Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine ,  Japan Society of Pain Clinicians
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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