Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
MISC (72):
松田 俊, 植木 詩乃, 記谷 康之. A Study of Behavioral economics by using ERPs. 独立行政法人国立高等専門学校機構大島商船高等専門学校紀要 国立高等専門学校機構大島商船高等専門学校 編. 2014. 46. 59-67
鈴木 隆男, 水田 和江, 鈴木 雅裕, 松田 俊. Research on the relationship between awareness of human rights and life philosophy for the students who want to be child-care workers. Bulletin of Hijiyama University Junior College. 2009. 44. 31-40
桾本 知子, 佐々木 実, 松田 俊. Factors that affect family caregiver burden: alleviating effect of social support. The Japanese journal of health psychology. 2006. 19. 2. 54-61
Kunugimoto Noriko, Sasaki Minori, Matsuda Takashi, Tsuboi Akio, Murakami Tsunezi. Factors that affect family caregiver burden: Alleviating effect of social support. The Japanese Journal of Health Psychology. 2006. 19. 2. 54-61