J-GLOBAL ID:201601017324467185   Update date: Nov. 25, 2019


シン セツバイ | XUEMEI SHEN
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Associate Professor
Research keywords  (1): 財政学、中国経済、経済統計
Papers (7):
Books (2):
  • 地の利を活かした広域連携推進事業
    公益財団法人中部圏社会経済研究所 2015
  • 日中科学技術交流の40年
    独立行政法人科学技術振興機構 中国総合研究交流センター 2014
Lectures and oral presentations  (8):
  • Application of the Dynamic CGE Model in Chinese Indirect Tax Reform
    (9th Input Output Workshop 2018)
  • Application of SAM based CGE model in Chinese VAT Reform
    (International Conference on Economic Structures 2017)
  • A CGE Analysis of Introducing Carbon Tax in the East Asia Region
    (The 11th International Conference on the Regional Innovation and Cooperation in Asia (RICA) 2016)
  • Introducing Carbon Tax in the East Asia Region
    (The 5th Congress of the East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics(EAAERE) 2015)
  • Some Empirical Studies on Spatial Interdependency of Chubu Region in Japan -Based on Interregional Input-Output Tables-
    (The 5th Asian Seminar In Regional Science 2015)
Education (1):
  • - 2012 Yokohama National University Graduate School of Social Sciences Department of Economics
Work history (4):
  • 2014/06/01 - 2016/03/31 (公益財団法人)中部社会経済研究所・研究員
  • 2014/04/01 - 2016/03/31 Aichi Gakusen University
  • 2014/04/01 - 2016/03/31 愛知大学・現代中国学部 非常勤講師(担当科目:国際経済)
  • 2012/04/01 - 2014/03/31 Aichi University International Center for Chinese Studies
Association Membership(s) (2):
Chinese Economists Society ,  "Pan Pacific Association of Input-Output Studies, Japan Institute of Public Finance"
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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