J-GLOBAL ID:201601017830294183
Update date: Oct. 14, 2024
Miyoshi Tomoichiro
ミヨシ トモイチロウ | Miyoshi Tomoichiro
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (1):
Research keywords (9):
, テロメア
, innate immune response
, DNA repair
, LINE-1
, retrotransposon
, chromosome
, evolution
, genome
Papers (24):
Ahmad Luqman-Fatah, Kei Nishimori, Shota Amano, Yukiko Fumoto, Tomoichiro Miyoshi. Retrotransposon life cycle and its impacts on cellular responses. RNA Biology. 2024. 21. 1. 11-27
Naoko Yano, Pin Fee Chong, Kenji K Kojima, Tomoichiro Miyoshi, Ahmad Luqmen-Fatah, Yu Kimura, Kengo Kora, Taisei Kayaki, Kanako Maizuru, Takahiro Hayashi, et al. Long-read sequencing identifies an SVA_D retrotransposon insertion deep within the intron of ATP7A as a novel cause of occipital horn syndrome. Journal of medical genetics. 2024
Ayaka Mizumoto, Yuta Yokoyama, Tomoichiro Miyoshi, Masahiro Takikawa, Fuyuki Ishikawa, Mahito Sadaie. DHX36 maintains genomic integrity by unwinding G-quadruplexes. 2023. (Epub)
Ahmad Luqman-Fatah, Tomoichiro Miyoshi. Human LINE-1 retrotransposons: impacts on the genome and regulation by host factors. Genes & Genetic Systems. 2023. 98. 3. 121-154
Ahmad Luqman-Fatah, Yuzo Watanabe, Kazuko Uno, Fuyuki Ishikawa, John V Moran, Tomoichiro Miyoshi. The interferon stimulated gene-encoded protein HELZ2 inhibits human LINE-1 retrotransposition and LINE-1 RNA-mediated type I interferon induction. Nature communications. 2023. 14. 1. 203-203
MISC (30):
山本唯央, 山本唯央, 中岡秀憲, 滝川雅大, 田代三喜, 加納純子, 三好知一郎, 石川冬木. Stn1, telomeric protein, maintains the stability of repetitive sequences at rDNA and subtelomeres in fission yeast. 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web). 2023. 46th
西森奎, 西森奎, AHMAD Luqman-Fatah, AHMAD Luqman-Fatah, 渡邉祐三, 石川冬木, 石川冬木, 三好知一郎, 三好知一郎. The interferon stimulated gene product HERC5 inhibits human LINE-1 retrotransposition. 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web). 2022. 45th
三好知一郎. ポリADPリボース合成酵素を介したヒトレトロトランスポゾンL1の転移機構の解析. 日本応用酵素協会誌. 2021. 55
三好知一郎, 三好知一郎. 多元的ゲノム変化を引き起こすヒトLINE-1レトロトランスポゾンの転移機構. 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web). 2020. 43rd
杉野海斗, 杉野海斗, 渡邉祐三, 牧野竹志, ABDUL FATAH Ahmad Luqman, 石川冬木, 三好知一郎. ミトコンドリア一本鎖DNA結合タンパク質SSBP1によるレトロトランスポゾンL1の転移制御機構の解明. 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web). 2020. 43rd
Books (2):
Genome 4
研究留学のすゝめ! : 渡航前の準備から留学後のキャリアまで
羊土社 2016 ISBN:9784758120746
Lectures and oral presentations (38):
A network of interferon-stimulated genes inhibits human LINE-1 retrotransposition
(EMBL Symposium: The Mobile Genome: Genetic and Physiological Impacts of Transposable Elements 2023)
Interferon-stimulated genes regulate human Long Interspersed Element-1 Retrotransposition
(19th International Student Seminar 2023)
Multilayered host mechanisms that control human LINE-1 retrotransposition
The interferon-stimulated gene protein HELZ2 inhibits human LINE-1 retrotransposition
(Genetics Society of AustralAsia 2021 Online Conference 2021)
(第93回 日本遺伝学会 2021)
Education (2):
- Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School of Bioscience and Biotechnology
- Tokyo Institute of Technology School of Bioscience and Biotechnology
Professional career (1):
- Ph.D. (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本分子生物学会
, 日本遺伝学会
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