Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2022 - 2025 Design of Augmented Work Systems
2016 - 2019 Construction of a model to support practical knowledge of caring
2011 - 2013 Designing curricula for design of next generation
Papers (11):
Bach Q Ho, Mai Otsuki, Yusuke Kishita, Maiko Kobayakawa, Kentaro Watanabe. Human Augmentation Technologies for Employee Well-Being: A Research and Development Agenda. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2022. 19. 3
Methodology of Structuring Knowledge by Discussing Purposes of Each Action in Procedure-based Knowledge Graph: Structuring Purpose-based Knowledge Graph with Care-giving Experts. 情報処理学会論文誌. 2022. 63. 1. 104-115
Yusuke Kishita, Kentaro Watanabe, Mai Otsuki, Bach Q. Ho, Maiko Kobayakawa. Roadmap Design for Envisioning Future Work Styles Using Human Augmentation Technologies. IEEE Engineering Management Review. 2022. 50. 2. 156-164
NISHIMURA Takuichi, YOSHIDA Yasuyuki, OSHIYAMA Chiaki, IJUIN Koki, IINO Nami, TAWAKI Yuta, HAYASHI Yuki, KOBAYAKAWA Maiko. Knowledge Structuring for Mental and Motor control of physical expression. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI. 2021. 2021. 1E4OS8b01-1E4OS8b01
Okamura Ayaka, Kajitani Fumio, Sunaga Takeshi, Kobayakawa Maiko, Ijuin Koki, Nishimura Takuichi. Transform “Knowledge” into “Blocs (objects)” that can be touched by hand. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF JSSD. 2020. 67. 218
KOBAYAKAWA Maiko, WATANABE Kentaro, SUNAGA Takeshi. Three Types of Co-creation that Drive Co-design- A Case Study of the Projects for Recovery of Emotional Expression in the Practice of Care -. Journal of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering. 2021. 19. 2. 79-86
Masuda Hisashi, Kimita Koji, Hiramoto Takeshi, Kobayakawa Maiko, Kohda Youji, Fukuda Ken. The Preface of Special Issue "Robot Hospitality". Serviceology. 2021. 7. 4. 110-112
飯田 一博, 小早川 真衣子. 一側性難聴の音像シミュレーション : その社会的理解促進の試み-Simulation of a sound image perceived by people with unilateral hearing loss : A trial to promote social understanding of unilateral hearing loss. 聴覚研究会資料 = Proceedings of the auditory research meeting. 2021. 51. 1. 19-25