Modern Corporate Governance
Nikkei Publishing 2018
ケース・スタディ 日本企業事例集 (共編著)
ダイヤモンド社 2010
日本経済新聞出版社 2008 ISBN:9784532133436
Lectures and oral presentations (6):
The Role of the Independent Directors of Japanese Companies: In Comparison with the Independent Directors of U.S. Companies
(International Corporate Governance Society 2020)
Strengthened Monitoring and Diversity: Change in Board Meetings of Japanese Companies after Introduction of the Corporate Governance Code in 2015
(International Corpoarte Governance Society Conference 2019)
Strengthened Monitoring and Diversity: Change in Board Meetings of Japanese Companies after Introduction of the Corporate Governance Code in 2015
(Nippon Finance Association, 27th Annual Conference 2019)