Research keywords (2):
Keynesian Economics
, Macroeconomics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2021 - 2025 屈折需要曲線の動学的展開によるマクロ経済理論の設計
2018 - 2021 "Synthesis of ""Short Term"" and ""Long Term"" in Macroeconomics"
Papers (22):
Hiroki Murakami. Product life cycles, product innovation and firm growth. Annals of Operations Research. 2024. 337. 3. 873-890
Hiroki Murakami. On growth cycles in a stochastic post-Keynesian model. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 2023. 118. 106995
hiroki Murakami. Keynesian and classical theories: static and dynamic perspctives. Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review. 2022. 19. 1. 343-367
Hiroki Murakami. The unique limit cycle in post Keynesian theory. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 2022. 154. 111597
Hiroki Murakami, Rudolf Zimka. On dynamics in a medium-term Keynesian model. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B. 2021. 26. 11. 5925-5940
Essays in Economic Dynamics: Theory, Simulation Analysis, and Methodological Study
Springer 2016
Lectures and oral presentations (30):
On growth cycles in a stochastic post-Keynesian model
(ICIAM 2023 2023)
The Unique Limit Cycle in Post Keynesian Systems
(NED (Nonlinear Economic Dynamics Conference) 2021 2021)
Monetary Policy in the Unique Growth Cycle of Post Keynesian Systems
(The 24th Annual Meeting of Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics 2020)
Inflation-Deflation Expectations and Economic Stability in a Kaleckian System
(Kyoto University Faculty of Economics The 100th Year Anniversary International Conference Series "Economic Growth and Income Distribution: Facing Real Economy Beyond Schools" 2019)
Monetary Policy in the Unique Growth Cycle of Post Keynesian Systems
(The 45th Annual Conference of Eastern Economic Association 2019)