Shoko Suzuki, Hiroyuki Ito, Motoyoshi Noike, Shinji Ishizuka, Risehiro Nonaka, Kenji Funaki, Takeshi Kodama, Shujiro Sakaki, Tomomichi Nishino, Mina Ito, et al. Environmentally friendly syntheses of imines applying the pressure reduction technique: Reaction cases of less reactive amines and studies by computational chemistry. Green and Sustainable Chemistry. 2020. 10. 1. 1-17
Suzuki, S, Ito, H, Ishizuka, S, Nonaka, R, Noike, M, Kodama, T, Funaki, K, Taguchi, M, Kagaya, T, Sato, S, et al. Perfect Solvent-and Catalyst-Free Syntheses of Imine Derivatives Using the Pressure Reduction Technique. Green and Sustainable Chemistry. 2019. 9. 4. 105-119
Suzuki S, Sakaki S, Ishizuka S, Nishino T, Ito H, Nonaka R, Noike M, Kodama T, Nozaka H, Sato T, et al. Efficient Solvent- and Catalyst-Free Syntheses of Imine Derivatives Applying the Pressure Reduction Technique: Remarkable Change of the Reaction Rate with the Phase Transition. Green and Sustainable Chemistry. 2018. 8. 2. 167-179