J-GLOBAL ID:201701012974526017
Update date: May. 29, 2024
Kato Hirokazu
Kato Hirokazu
Affiliation and department:
Research field (3):
Atmospheric and hydrospheric science
, Human geoscience
, Archaeology
Research keywords (7):
, carbonate clumped isotope
, paleoclimate
, Tufa
, carbonate
, Soil
, Fish otolith
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 2021 - 2024 縄文人の農地開拓の歴史を鍾乳石と土から読み解く
- 2020 - 2023 石筍の炭酸凝集同位体から過去数万年間の気温・降水量変化を読み解く
- 2017 - 2021 temperature reconstruction from clumped isotopes of terrestrial carbonates
Papers (20):
Hirokazu Kato, Taiki Mori, Shota Amekawa, Chung-Che Wu, Chaun-Chou Shen, Akihiro Kano. Coevolutions of terrestrial temperature and monsoonal precipitation amounts from the latest Pleistocene to the mid-Holocene in Japan: Carbonate clumped isotope record of a stalagmite. Chemical Geology. 2023. 622. 121390
Aki Sakuma, Akihiro Kano, Yoshihiro Kakizaki, Hirokazu Kato, Akira Murata, Hiroki Matsuda, Takafumi Hirata, Sota Niki. Sedimentological and geochemical properties of authigenic carbonates in Kyushu, Japan: Implications for the transition from semi-arid to humid climate during the Eocene. Sedimentary Geology. 2022. 442. 106280-106280
Dyuti Prakash Sarkar, Jun-ichi Ando, Akihiro Kano, Hirokazu Kato, Gautam Ghosh, Kaushik Das. Carbonate clumped isotope thermometry of fault rocks and its possibilities: tectonic implications from calcites within Himalayan Frontal Fold-Thrust Belt. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science. 2021. 8. 1
Tatsuo Nozaki, Toshiro Nagase, Yutaro Takaya, Toru Yamasaki, Tsubasa Otake, Kotaro Yonezu, Kei Ikehata, Shuhei Totsuka, Kazuya Kitada, Yoshinori Sanada, et al. Subseafloor sulphide deposit formed by pumice replacement mineralisation. Scientific Reports. 2021. 11. 1
Shota Amekawa, Kenji Kashiwagi, Masako Hori, Tomomi Sone, Hirokazu Kato, Tomoyo Okumura, Tsai-Luen Yu, Chuan-Chou Shen, Akihiro Kano. Stalagmite evidence for East Asian winter monsoon variability and 18O-depleted surface water in the Japan Sea during the last glacial period. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science. 2021. 8. 1
MISC (6):
狩野彰宏, 村田彬, 加藤大和, 茂野潤. サンゴ礁科学研究-多分野異文化融合の拠点へ-サンゴ礁と地球環境の過去と現在,未来-トゥファを用いた古気候記録の高解像度解読. 月刊海洋. 2022. 54. 417-422
Development of stalagmite paleoclimatology in Japan. 2022. 44. 277-282
加藤 大和. 画用硬化油による魚類置換標本の作成方法. Michinokuensis. 2020
The vegetational changes in Uchimagi district, Iwate Prefecture revealed by soil investigation and speleothem carbon isotopic record. 2013. 35. 10. 608-615
Changes in annual layer thickness in a stalagmite from Ucnimagi-do Cave and their controlling factor. 2013. 35. 10. 603-607
Lectures and oral presentations (51):
(日本地質学会第129年学術大会 2022)
(日本地質学会第129年学術大会 2022)
(日本地質学会第129年学術大会 2022)
(日本地球惑星科学連合2022年大会 2022)
(日本地球惑星科学連合2022年大会 2022)
Education (2):
- 2011 - 2016 東北大学大学院 理学研究科 地学専攻 博士課程
- 2007 - 2011 Tohoku University Faculty of Science Division of GeoEnvironmental Science
Work history (3):
- 2020/04 - 現在 東京大学大学院 理学系研究科 日本学術振興会特別研究員
- 2017/02 - 2020/03 東京大学大学院 理学系研究科 特任研究員
- 2016/04 - 2017/01 九州大学比較社会文化研究院 学術研究員
Awards (2):
- 2016/03 - 最優秀講演賞 岩手県久慈市産石筍記録を用いた古降水量復元と飢饉記録
- 2014/03 - 優秀賞 岩手県内間木洞の石筍UT-Aが持つ 過去の降水量記録とその要因,また, より長期の石筍記録への応用について
Association Membership(s) (2):
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