J-GLOBAL ID:201701015139754334   Update date: Jul. 24, 2024


Affiliation and department:
Papers (4):
  • 胤森裕暢・新谷和幸. 未来を拓く子どもを育む平和学習プログラム構築に向けた調査研究-広島・長崎の社会科教師と関連施設職員へのインタビューデータの整理・分析を中心に-(査読有り). 社会認識教育学研究. 2024. 第39号. 11-20
  • Kazuyuki NIIYA Shohei KOBAYASHI Hironobu TANEMORI. Peace learning that views war as a familiar problem and raises awareness of peace . : Aiming to resolve the issue of peace studies on the theme of war. 2024. 10 (1), No.13. 10 (1), No.13. 1-23
  • 胤森裕暢・品川歩美・森信吉・新谷和幸. 「平和と安全保障を学習する公民的分野の実践的課題-教材と授業過程を中心に-」(査読有り). 社会認識教育学研究. 2023. 38巻. 1-10
  • 胤森裕暢. 「定着させる手がかりとなる二つの考え方」. 社会科教育. 2023. 60. 1. 26-29
MISC (15):
  • 胤森 裕暢, 田中 泉. A Study on the Development of Teaching Ability of Junior High School Social Studies Teachers during the Period of their Employment. 広島経済大学研究論集. 2017. 40. 2. 43-51
  • 胤森 裕暢. The Role of Dialogue Activities in Civics "Ethics": Looking at the "Special Subject of Morality". 広島経済大学創立五十周年記念論文集. 2017. 0. 155-170
  • 胤森 裕暢, 高橋 哲也. Development of a Practical Lesson Observation Table to Aid Student Guidance : Through a Study of Lessons by an Elementary and Middle School Partnership with an Educational Research Association in the Gion High School District. 広島経済大学研究論集 = HUE journal of humanities, social and natural sciences. 2016. 38. 4. 135-143
  • TANEMORI Hironobu. Teacher Training Programs of Geography-History and Civics : To Improve Teaching Competencies. 社会認識教育学研究. 2016. 31. 1-10
  • 胤森 裕暢. Forum Report : Viewpoints on the "Ethics" Curriculum as "Citizenship Education". 広島経済大学研究論集 = HUE journal of humanities, social and natural sciences. 2015. 37. 4. 127-129
Books (1):
  • 「価値観形成学習」による「倫理」カリキュラム改革
    風間書房 2017 ISBN:4759921605
Association Membership(s) (1):
文部科学省「道徳教育の抜本的改善・充実に係る支援事業」審査委員(H31, R2, R3, R4, R5年度)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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