Megumi Suzuki, Asami Hongo. Characteristics of Japanese nursing students’ thoughts and feelings during caring and relations of their thoughts and feelings to congruence. Japan Health Medicine Association. 2019. 28. 1. 31-40
Megumi Suzuki. Interview Survey with Nurses about Their Process of Having Realized Study Abroad and Relults of Their Experiences. 2019. 第28. 第1. 10-20
In-home dietary support provided by nurses to patients with aspiration risk until the end-of-life stage
(The 6th Korea China Japan Nursing Conference 2022)
The Process and Outcome of Organizing Training on Pediatrics Basic Life Support -Toward collaboration between child care workers and medical professionals-
(The 6th Korea China Japan Nursing Conference 2022)
(第38回日本看護科学学会学術集会 2018)
Fact-finding about the training of the pediatric basic life support in nursery facilities
(The 5th CJK Nursing Conference 2018)