Okabe N, Himi N, Maruyama-Nakamura E, Hayashi N, Narita K, Miyamoto O. Rehabilitative skilled forelimb training enhances axonal remodeling in the corticospinal pathway but not the brainstem-spinal pathways after photothrombotic stroke in the primary motor cortex. PLoS One. 2017. 12. 11
The site of the antiemetic action of NK1 receptor antagonists.「Antiemetic therapy」
Karger 2003 ISBN:9783805575478
Lectures and oral presentations (87):
DNA damage by brain edema.
(第99回日本生理学会大会 2022)
The novel nucleic acid analog, COA-Cl exerted the neuroprotective effect in acute phase after spinal cord injury
(The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society 2021)