Research keywords (1):
Urban, Postcolonial, Global South, Water, Informality, Violence, Organized Crime, Terrorism, Corruption, Cities, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Criminology, Political Science, Philosophy of Science
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
2024 - 2027 Rural-urban water reallocation, inequity and vulnerability of rural populations: causal mechanisms in Asia and Africa
2023 - 2026 Grant-in-Aid for Diplomacy and Security Research Projects, Comprehensive Project "The Impact of Climate Change on Peace and Stability"
2019 - 2022 International Political Nexus of Climate Change and Water Resources
2018 - 2022 The Globalization of Majoritarian Democracy: Comparative Studies of Asia and Africa
2016 - 2019 途上国の巨大都市における非公式な秩序維持の分析
Papers (6):
Nazia Hussain, Carmeli Chaves. Perspectives from the Ground: Governing Informality of Water in Metro Manila. Water Alternatives. 2023. 16. 2. 295-316
Arturo Alvarado, Alain Bauer, Joe Cannataci, Nazia Hussain, Mara Mignone, Aitana Radu, Louise Shelley, David Weinberger. Special Issue: Economies of Violence. International Journal on Criminology. 2022. 9. 2
Nazia Hussain, Louise Shelley. Karachi: Organized Crime in a Megacity. Connections: the Quarterly Journal. 2016. 15. 3. 5-15
Nazia Hussain. Finding Order in Chaos? A Discussion on Governance in Karachi. Foreign Policy Research Centre, Country-specific Study Project. 2014. 2
Jorrit Kamminga, Nazia Hussain. Beyond the 2014 Security Transition: Counter- narcotics Policy in Afghanistan and Pakistan. UNISCI Discussion Papers. 2012
Nazia Hussain. Politicizing discussions on water governance Recommendations for creating equitable water futures in cities in the Global South (IFI policy recommendation). 2024
Noman Ahmed, Nazia Hussain. Water Mafia and Governance in Karachi. New Security Beat (The blog of the Woodrow Wilson Center's Environmental Change and Security Program (ECSP). 2022
Nazia Hussain, Carmeli Chaves. Securing water for all is urgent, but impossible if we ignore housing inequalities. New Security Beat (The blog of the Woodrow Wilson Center's Environmental Change and Security Program (ECSP). 2021
Nazia Hussain. Attack on the Chinese consulate in Karachi: not the first nor the last. The Diplomat. 2018
Nazia Hussain. "Fragile"cities: what we are getting wrong and why it is important to get it right. Small Wars Journal. 2018
Mapping the Politics of Water and the Hidden Violence of the Legal Economy through the Small-scale Water Providers of Metro Manila
Leiden: Brill Publishing & University of Leiden 2024 ISBN:9789004708563
“Climate change and its politics: overture” in "Will climate change destabilize society? Dynamics of international politics over water resources"
2022 ISBN:9784535540323
"Scarcity in times of plenty: scarcity, governance, and claim-making in Metro Manila" in "Will climate change destabilize society? Dynamics of international politics over water resources"
2022 ISBN:9784535540323
Will climate change destabilize society? Dynamics of international politics over water resources
2022 ISBN:9784535540323
Organized Crime and Terrorism in the Contemporary Context
Malden: John Wiley and Sons 2016 ISBN:9781118923955
Lectures and oral presentations (12):
Knowledge Creation through Liminal Spaces: The Role of Japanese Universities
(The University of Tokyo Global Faculty Development Spotlight Series 2024)
Food Security in Asia Pacific: Key Issues and Challenges
(International Workshop "Ensuring Food Security under Climate Crisis" 2024)
Food and Water Security in Asia Pacific: Key Issues and Challenges
(International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific 2023)
Comments (discussant)
(International Workshop "Asian urbanism and urban informality" (Saitama University) 2023)
Complex Challenges of Security and Climate Change: Understanding Interconnections and Charting Future Responses
(Tokyo Forum (Shaping the Future: Dialogue between Philosophy and Science) 2022)