A study on use and maintenance of weir in Toyo-gawa river during Early modern period. 2022. 54. 97-102
Seigo TAKAHASHI. Dispute over Water Right between Kamekubi and Maiki Village in Kamo District during the Early Modern Period. 2021. 53
Typology of water rights disputes in the early modern period: a case study of the foot of the east mountain area in the Nara Basin. 2010. 62. 1. 20-35
The use of water sources for agricultural irrigation and customs associated with water rights, in the Mt. Katsuragi area, Nara Prefecture, in early modern times. The Historical geography. 2007. 49. 4. 18-32
Books (1):
新修 泉佐野市史 3巻 通史編 近代 現代
清文堂出版 2009
Lectures and oral presentations (10):
Flood Control and Issues in a Castle Town: From the Economic Policy of the Matsue Clan in Relation to Flood Damage