Research keywords (1):
Ergodic Theory, measurable number theory
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
2020 - 2024 The search for ergodic Ramsey theory and Erdős conjecture toward the construction of infinite ergodic theory
2012 - 2016 Recent progress in ergodic theory of number theoretic algorithms
2009 - 2011 An ergodic study of algorithms
2006 - 2008 Ergodic theory and metric number theory
2005 - 2007 エルゴード理論とその測度論的数論への応用
2005 - 2005 無限大不変測度を持つエルゴード的変換の分類
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Papers (20):
Hiromi Ei, Hitoshi Nakada, Rie Natsui. On the existence of the Legendre constants for some complex continued fraction expansions over imaginary quadratic fields. Journal of Number Theory. 2022. 238. 106-132
Dong Han Kim, Hitoshi Nakada, Rie Natsui. On the Construction of Continued Fraction Normal Series in Positive Characteristic. TOKYO JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS. 2017. 39. 3. 679-694