J-GLOBAL ID:201801000515318346
Update date: Dec. 16, 2024
Tanaka Shota
Tanaka Shota
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (14):
- 2024 - 2027 微量検体のユビキタス自動分析装置開発と、未病とバイオマーカーの相関解明
- 2024 - 2027 中枢神経胚細胞腫の治療抵抗性克服に向けた腫瘍内不均一性と起源細胞・腫瘍免疫の解明
- 2023 - 2026 Exploring Abnormal RNA Modifications in Glioma using direct RNA Nanopore Sequencing
- 2023 - 2026 Novel fluorescent labeling system for brain tumor surgery and its therapeutic application
- 2023 - 2026 Novel fluorescent labeling system for brain tumor surgery and its therapeutic application
- 2023 - 2026 Elucidation of tumor angiogenesis mechanisms other than HIF pathway and search for novel anti-angiogenic drugs
- 2020 - 2023 Development of novel spray-type fluorescent probes as adjunct to surgery for malignant brain tumors
- 2020 - 2023 マルチオミクス統合解析を基にしたグリオーマ再発・悪性化機構解明と新規治療戦略創出
- 2017 - 2021 Genetic analysis of spinal cord glioma and identification of novel therapeutic targets
- 2017 - 2020 The elucidation of the mechanism of the development and progression of gliomas due to epigenetic deregulation and the identification of therapeutic targets
- 2015 - 2018 Development of novel fluorescent probes for brain tumors
- 2014 - 2018 Mechanistic insight into malignant transformation and therapeutic strategies based on the comparative multi-omics analysis of primary and recurrent gliomas
- 2014 - 2017 Identification of causative genes for hemangioblastoma to elucidate the mechanisms of neovascularization and to develop novel therapeutic strategies
- 2013 - 2016 Genetic and epigenetic analysis of oligodendroglioma and establishment of novel diagnostic biomarker
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Papers (184):
荻野 亜希子, 兼岡 麻子, 橋本 龍一郎, 藤原 清香, 高見 浩数, 高柳 俊作, 國井 尚人, 田中 將太, 緒方 徹. 覚醒下開頭腫瘍切除術後の言語・高次脳機能の短~長期変化及び術前言語機能との関連に関する調査. 言語聴覚研究. 2024. 21. 3. 352-352
Taijun Hana, Akitake Mukasa, Masashi Nomura, Genta Nagae, Shogo Yamamoto, Kenji Tatsuno, Hiroki Ueda, Shiro Fukuda, Takayoshi Umeda, Shota Tanaka, et al. AB019. Detailed analysis of DNA hydroxymethylation observed with the malignant progression of IDH-mutant gliomas. Chinese clinical oncology. 2024. 13. Suppl 1. AB019
Sina Neyazi, Erika Yamazawa, Karoline Hack, Shota Tanaka, Genta Nagae, Catena Kresbach, Takayoshi Umeda, Alicia Eckhardt, Kenji Tatsuno, Lara Pohl, et al. Transcriptomic and epigenetic dissection of spinal ependymoma (SP-EPN) identifies clinically relevant subtypes enriched for tumors with and without NF2 mutation. Acta Neuropathologica. 2024. 147. 1
Yosuke Kitagawa, Ami Kobayashi, Daniel P Cahill, Hiroaki Wakimoto, Shota Tanaka. Molecular biology and novel therapeutics for IDH mutant gliomas: The new era of IDH inhibitors. Biochimica et biophysica acta. Reviews on cancer. 2024. 1879. 3. 189102-189102
Yoshihiro Kushihara, Shota Tanaka, Yukari Kobayashi, Koji Nagaoka, Miyu Kikuchi, Takahide Nejo, Erika Yamazawa, Shohei Nambu, Kazuha Kugasawa, Hirokazu Takami, et al. Glioblastoma with high O6-methyl-guanine DNA methyltransferase expression are more immunologically active than tumors with low MGMT expression. Frontiers in immunology. 2024. 15. 1328375-1328375
MISC (62):
中島 拓真, 舟越 勇介, 畝田 篤仁, 田中 將太, 石田 穣治, 齋藤 竜太, 花谷 亮典, 吉本 幸司, 成田 善孝, 鈴木 啓道. がんゲノム診断とバイオインフォマティクス 大規模全ゲノムおよびトランスクリプトーム解析によるGlioblastoma,IDH-wild typeの多様性の解明. Brain Tumor Pathology. 2023. 40. Suppl. 066-066
牧瀬 尚大, 下井 辰徳, 角南 久仁子, 青柳 康子, 小林 寛, 田中 將太, 川井 章, 米盛 勧, 牛久 哲男, 吉田 朗彦. 頭蓋底発生の脱分化型脊索腫にはH3K27トリメチル化消失を伴う特異な一群がある. 日本病理学会会誌. 2023. 112. 1. 276-276
牧瀬 尚大, 下井 辰徳, 角南 久仁子, 青柳 康子, 小林 寛, 田中 將太, 川井 章, 米盛 勧, 牛久 哲男, 吉田 朗彦. 頭蓋底発生の脱分化型脊索腫にはH3K27トリメチル化消失を伴う特異な一群がある. 日本病理学会会誌. 2023. 112. 1. 276-276
高見 浩数, 高柳 俊作, 田中 將太, 齊藤 延人. 【脊椎・脊髄外科の最先端】腫瘍 上衣腫と星細胞腫. Clinical Neuroscience. 2022. 40. 10. 1264-1269
高橋 雅道, 川嶋 聡, 口羽 文, 佐立 崚, 米盛 勧, 永根 基雄, 荒川 芳輝, 武笠 晃丈, 田中 將太, 西川 亮, et al. 再発膠芽腫に対するエリブリンの第2相多施設単群医師主導治験. 日本癌治療学会学術集会抄録集. 2022. 60回. EN6-3
Education (1):
- 1995 - 2001 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Medicine School of Medicine
Professional career (1):
- M.D., Ph.D. (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (2):
- 2024/01 - 現在 Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine , Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences Professor
- 2021/04 - 2023/12 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine Lecturer
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