J-GLOBAL ID:201801001864798610
Update date: Feb. 01, 2024
Ogi Fusami
Ogi Fusami
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Literature - General
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
- 2014 - 2018 Comparative Research on Japanese Contemporary Pop-Texts
- 2012 - 2015 Research in Women's Manga: Glocalization and the Possibilities for Expression of Subjectivity
- 2012 - 2012 日本の少女マンガに関する講演/マンガの描き方のワークショップ/女性マンガダッシュ展会議開催
- 2009 - 2012 Research in Women's Manga: Subjectivity, Globalization, and the Possibilities for Expression
- 女性MANGA研究:主体性表現と規制-異文化を繋ぐ
Papers (12):
Fusami Ogi. “Shōjo Manga [Japanese Comics for Girls] and Her Freedom: Globalizing the Half-century Challenge of Going Beyond Difficulties”. International Journal of Comic Art, Vol. 23, No. 2. 2022. 333-349
大城房美. Graphic Novelと英語文学. 筑紫女学園大学教育実践研究第8号. 2022. 35-46
大城房美. 少女マンガとBL (ボーイズラブ). 筑紫女学園大学人間文化研究所年報第31号. 2020. 35-53
Fusami Ogi. Manga beyond Japan: How the Term Manga Has Globalized. Oriental Studies. 2019. 156. 46-62
Fusami Ogi. How Women’s Manga Has Performed the Image of ASIAs, Globally and Locally. Women’s Manga in Asia and Beyond: Uniting Different Cultures and Identities. 2019
MISC (1):
大城房美. 少女マンガは生きる力を与えてくれる. 望星. 2018. 49. 11. 46-52
Books (7):
Freedom and Regulation of Expression, Manga and Women: A Symposium
International Journal of Comic Art, Vol. 23, No. 2. 2022
Shōjo Across Media: Exploring “Girl” Practices in Contemporary Japan
Palgrave Macmillan 2019
Women’s Manga in Asia and Beyond: Uniting Different Cultures and Identities
Palgrave Macmillan 2019
女性マンガ研究 欧米・日本・アジアをつなぐMANGA
青弓社 2015 ISBN:9784787233868
“Women’s Manga Beyond Japan: Contemporary Comics as Cultural Crossroads in Asia,”
International Journal of Comic of Art 2011 Fall, Vol.13, No.2, 2011
Lectures and oral presentations (11):
(日本マンガ学会九州マンガ交流部会第56回例会/第8回女性MANGA研究国際会議 2019)
Manga beyond Japan: Internationally Collaborative Power between East and Wes
(Manga, Comics and Japan: Area Studies as Media Studies 2018)
How to Leave Behind Our Names: Creating Archives for Women and Manga
(Archiving Popular Culture Symposium 2018)
(九州大学大学院地球統合化学府・香港中文大学日本研究学科合同学術交流会 2016)
女性とマンガとアジア: 女性MANGA研究プロジェクトの軌跡
(「女性・マンガ・アジア」 日本マンガ学会九州マンガ交流部会第46回例会 2016)
Professional career (1):
- Ph.D. (SUNY at Stony Brook)
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