J-GLOBAL ID:201801003410306490
Update date: Dec. 06, 2023
Kazuyoshi Ishida
イシダ カズヨシ | Kazuyoshi Ishida
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Affiliation and department:
Yamaguchi University
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Papers (11):
石田 和慶. くも膜下出血発症から手術までの時間と脳動脈瘤クリッピング術中の体温変化. 蘇生: 日本蘇生学会雑誌. 2016. 35. 3. 222b-222b
KAWAGUCHI Masahiko, YOSHITANI Kenji, ISHIDA Kazuyoshi, YOKOTA Miyuki, UEZONO Shoichi, NOMURA Minoru. Survey on Perioperative Use of Cerebral Near-infrared Spectroscopy Monitoring in Japan. JJSCA. 2015. 35. 5. 651-659
ISHIDA Kazuyoshi, NAKANISHI Toshiyuki, YAMASHITA Atsuo, UCHIDA Masato, UCHIYAMA Fumiko, MATSUMOTO Mishiya. The Use of Near-infrared Spectroscopy Monitoring to Prevent Neurological and Neurocognitive Complications Following Cardiovascular Surgery. JJSCA. 2015. 35. 5. 632-642
Matsumoto Mishiya, Ishida Kazuyoshi, Utada Kohji, Yamashita Atsuo, Fukui Takehiko. Protection of the central nervous system. Japanese Journal of Reanimatology. 2015. 34. 2. 65-70
Hiroaki Matayoshi, Takao Hirata, Satoshi Yamashita, Kazuyoshi Ishida, Yoichi Mizukami, Toshikazu Gondo, Mishiya Matsumoto, Takefumi Sakabe. Neutrophil elastase inhibitor attenuates hippocampal neuronal damage after transient forebrain ischemia in rats. BRAIN RESEARCH. 2009. 1259. 98-106
Lectures and oral presentations (78):
一過性脊髄虚血後の神経障害に対するerythropoietinとinsulin-like growth factor 1の保護効果
(第13回日本神経麻酔・集中治療研究会 抄録集 2009)
(平成20年度山口大学医師会・山口大学医学部主催 医師教育講座(体験学習) 2009)
術中難治性ショックの診断・治療にフロートラックセンサー TMが有用であった一例
(日本集中治療医学会雑誌 2009)
2671. 一過性脊髄虚血後の神経障害に対するinsulin like growth factor 1とerythropoietinの保護効果
(山口医学 2009)
(山口医学 2009)
Work history (2):
2010/05/18 - 2011/07/01 YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY University Hospital Lecturer
2010/02/24 - 2010/05/17 YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY University Hospital
Association Membership(s) (1):
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