Yoichi Ohno, Akinori Horikoshi, Kazuyuki Imamura. Reaching Task in Rats: Quantitative Evaluation and Effects of 6-OHDA into the Striatum. Journal of motor behavior. 2022. 54. 5. 648-655
Youki Manaka, Yoichi Ohno, Akinori Horikoshi, Kazuyuki Imamura. A parsimonious laboratory system for the evaluation of rat reaching task: recovery from the massive destruction of motor areas. Journal of integrative neuroscience. 2021. 20. 4. 955-965
OHNO YOICHI. Home-based aerobic exercise ameliorates symptoms in patients with parkinson’s disease. International Journal of Physiotherapy. 2018. 5. 1. 1-6
Investigation of the Difficulty Toilet Activities in Parkinson's Disease Patients
(13th international society of physical and rehabilitation medicine world congress 2019)