Wei Huang, S. Ghon Rhee, Katsushi Suzuki, Taeko Yasutake. Do investors value shareholder perks? Evidence from Japan. Journal of Banking and Finance. 2022. 143
Taeko Yasutake, Kyoko Nagata, Yuto Matsuda. The purpose of providing shareholder perks for Japanese firms: A survey. 2018. 38. 1.2. 75-91
Taeko Yasutake, Kyoko Nagata. Legal and practical issues of shareholder perks in Japan: A survey. 2018. 104. 61-78
MISC (2):
Taeko YASUTAKE, Motoki WATABE, Nori TARUI. Shareholder Perks and Investment Decision in Japan and the United States : An Experiment. Soka Economics Journal. 2017. 46. 1/2/3/4. 79-87
Taeko Yasutake. Valuation of the Shareholder Perks. Soka Economics Journal. 2016. 45. 1/2/3/4. 129-136
Lectures and oral presentations (4):
Why firms provide seemingly irrational noncash shareholder perks?
(Sydney Banking and Financial Stability Conference 2024 2024)
Motivation to initiate, continue, and suspend shareholder perks: Field evidence and empirical analyses from Japan
(the International Conference in Finance, Banking, and Accounting 2023)
Do investors value shareholder perks? Evidence from Japan
(FMA Asia/Pacific Conference 2022)
Valuation of Shareholder Perks in Japan
(日本経営財務研究学会 第 39 回 全国大会 2015)
Works (5):
Determinants of investor base by investor type and the impact on firm value
2017 - 2021
A microanalysis of cruise passengers’ satisfaction and expenditures
2018 - 2019
Preference for Cash Dividend and Non-Cash Shareholder Perks
2014 - 2016
Kabunushi Yutai Guide 2017
2016 -
「講義計画における学習目標の活用(私の授業実践-教育現場の最前線から) 」
2016 -
Committee career (2):
2014/04 - 現在 Japan Finance Association member
2014 - 現在 Nippon Finance Association member
Association Membership(s) (7):
Financial Management Association International (FMA)
, Japan Cruise and Ferry Association
, Nihon Finance Association
, Japan Finance Association
, European Accounting Association
, European Finance Association
, Asian Finance Association