J-GLOBAL ID:201801004231663642
Update date: Apr. 03, 2020
Higuchi Yukari
ヒグチ ユカリ | Higuchi Yukari
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Assistant Professor
Other affiliations (1):
Research field (4):
Tourism studies
, Environmental policy and society
, Environmental materials/recycling technology
, Recycling systems and society
Research keywords (6):
knowledge transfer
, environmental interpretation
, local regeneration
, environmental justice
, sustainable tourism
, sustainable development
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2019 - 2022 持続可能な観光開発の基礎となる住民の認識を明らかにする国際比較研究
Papers (5):
Yukari Higuchi, Yasuhiro Yamanaka. The potential value of research-based evidence in destination management: The case of Kamikawa, Japan. Tourism Review. 2019. 74. 2. 173-185
Yukari Higuchi, Yasuhiro Yamanaka, Hiroaki Hoshi. The role of research-based evidence in destination marketing and management. Conference Proceedings of BEST EN Think Tank XVIII (2018): Development and Marketing of Sustainable Tourism Products. 2018. 140-151
Yukari Higuchi, Yasuhiro Yamanaka. Collaborative knowledge production development and action design between university researchers and local stakeholders in food tourism: a study of the practical value of tacit knowledge sharing. Conference Proceedings of BEST EN Think Tank XVII: Innovation and Progress in Sustainable Tourism. 2017. 207-223
Yukari Higuchi. A study of possibility to make tourism more sustainable in Hokkaido. Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University. 2017
Yukari Higuchi, Yasuhiro Yamanaka. Knowledge sharing between academic researchers and tourism practitioners: a Japanese study of the practical value of embeddedness, trust and co-creation. JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM. 2017. 25. 10. 1456-1473
Lectures and oral presentations (1):
Create the right climate for developing food tourism
(2018 Club Sarcelle Forum 2016)
Education (3):
- 2011 - 2017 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Environmental Science Div. of Environmental Science Development
- 2006 - 2008 University of Michigan,Graduate School School of Natural Resources and Environment Environmental Justice
- 2001 - 2005 Housei University Faculty of Sustainability Studies Human Environment Department
Professional career (2):
- Ph.D. (Hokkaido University)
- 修士 (Environmental Justice) (University of Michigan)
Work history (4):
- 2019/09 - 現在 Kyoto Tachibana University Faculty of English and Global Communication Assistant Professor
- 2017/10 - 2019/08 Hokkaido University Faculty of Environmental Earth Science Research Fellow
- 2015/12 - 2017/05 Hokkaido University Faculty of Environmental Earth Science Specialist Administrative Staff
- 1984/04 - 2015/11 主に国際物流分野に従事
Awards (3):
- 2018/09 - Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University Matsuno Environmental Science Award
- 2014/01 - Japanese Association of University Women, Sapporo Branch Domestic Scholarship
- 2006/01 - College Women's Association of Japan Graduate Scholarship for Japanese Women to Study Abroad
Association Membership(s) (3):
Building Excellence in Sustainable Tourism Education Network
, Japan Ecotourism Society
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