J-GLOBAL ID:201801005336671779
Update date: Oct. 24, 2023
Ando Shuji
Ando Shuji
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Affiliation and department:
National Institute of Infectious Diseases
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Papers (64):
Masakatsu Taira, Shuji Ando, Hiroki Kawabata, Hiromi Fujita, Teruki Kadosaka, Hiroko Sato, Naoto Monma, Norio Ohashi, Masayuki Saijo. Isolation and molecular detection of Ehrlichia species from ticks in western, central, and eastern Japan. Ticks and tick-borne diseases. 2019. 10. 2. 344-351
Shimada M, Takamoto N, Su H, Sasahara H, Shimamura Y, Ando S, Ohashi N. Predomination shift of different P44-expressing Anaplasma phagocytophilum in infected HL-60, THP-1, NB4, and RF/6A cell lines. Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2019. 72. 2. 73-80
Xuhong Yin, Shengchun Guo, Chunlian Ding, Minzhi Cao, Hiroki Kawabata, Kozue Sato, Shuji Ando, Hiromi Fujita, Fumihiko Kawamori, Hongru Su, et al. Spotted Fever Group Rickettsiae in Inner Mongolia, China, 2015-2016. Emerging infectious diseases. 2018. 24. 11. 2105-2107
Motohiko Ogawa, Yoshitaka Shirasago, Shuji Ando, Masayuki Shimojima, Masayuki Saijo, Masayoshi Fukasawa. Caffeic acid, a coffee-related organic acid, inhibits infection by severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus in vitro. Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy. 2018. 24. 8. 597-601
Kawamori F, Shimazu Y, Sato H, Monma N, Ikegaya A, Yamamoto S, Fujita H, Morita H, Tamaki Y, Takamoto N, et al. Evaluation of Diagnostic Assay for Rickettsioses Using Duplex Real-Time PCR in Multiple Laboratories in Japan. Japanese journal of infectious diseases. 2018. 71. 4. 267-273
MISC (23):
佐藤 寛子, 村井 博宜, 石田 晋之介, 藤田 博己, 安藤 匡子, 安藤 秀二. 秋田県における紅斑熱群リケッチア感染症に関連したマダニ刺咬3症例の検討. 衛生動物. 2018. 69. 2. 49-54
安藤 秀二. 【グローバル化・温暖化と感染症対策】 節足動物媒介感染症 発疹チフス. 小児科臨床. 2017. 70. 増刊. 2261-2266
加倉井 真樹, 島田 瑞穂, 安藤 秀二, 出光 俊郎. 多数のフタトゲチマダニ若虫による刺咬症の1例. 皮膚科の臨床. 2017. 59. 10. 1599-1603
川森 文彦, 池ヶ谷 朝香, 荒畑 沙織, 佐原 啓二, 安藤 秀二, 大橋 典男. リケッチア感染症(つつが虫病、紅斑熱)の迅速検査法体系の構築. 日本獣医師会雑誌. 2016. 69. 8. 489-490
瀧口 純司, 置村 健二郎, 石井 真梨子, 岡村 佳代子, 坂本 浩一, 稲本 真也, 安藤 秀二. 神戸市内で発生し呼吸不全を伴った重症日本紅斑熱の1例. 感染症学雑誌. 2016. 90. 2. 120-124
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