J-GLOBAL ID:201801005668913342   Update date: Aug. 27, 2022

Tomioka Hiroko

トミオカ ヒロコ | Tomioka Hiroko
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Associate Professor
Research field  (2): Education - general ,  Educational psychology
Research keywords  (10): 自己概念・自尊感情の発達 ,  初等教育の日米比較 ,  文化心理学 ,  比較教育学 ,  教育心理学 ,  Self-Concept and Self-Esteem ,  Japan-US Comparative Study on Elementary Education ,  Cultural Psychology ,  Comparative Education ,  Educational Psychology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 2010 - 2011 形成的アセスメントによる『如何に学ぶかの学習』のための評価枠組に関する実証的研究
  • 2007 - 2009 「大学教育におけるプロジェクト学習の構造化と不確定志向性」
  • 2003 - 2005 異なる発達段階における自己概念の国際比較:日米の小学生と大学生の構造比較
Papers (19):
  • Tomioka, Hiroko, Ginny Zhan, and Sharon Spearcey. A Comparative Study of College Students’ Cultural Orientation, Aging Attitude, and Anxiety: Japan, China, and USA. The Journal of Aging and Social Change. 2019. 9. 2. 15-31
  • Yumi Morikawa, Hiroko Tomioka. Effective Grouping for Active Learning: Examining Diversity by Behavioral and Personality Traits. Kyoto University Researches in Higher Education. 2018. 23. 81-84
  • Hiroko Tomioka. Attitude towards Aging and Older Adults among Japanese College Students - Its Relations to Aging Anxiety and Self-Efficacy -. Soka University Educational Bulletin. 2017. 69. 61-79
  • Yumi Morikawa, Hiroko Tomioka, Kazuhiko Sekita &Masamitsu Mochizuki. The Report of PASS (Data Collecition Service by students for Lesson Improvement) : the Process of Foundation and the Service. The Journal of Learner-Centered Higher Education. 2017. 6. 79-88
  • Minori Shimada, Hiroko Tomioka, Yumi Morikawa. Investigating Personality Traits for Active Learning: data analysis based on experiments using LTD and Jigsaw. Kyoto University Researches in Higher Education. 2017. vol.22. 22. 111-114-114
Books (9):
  • Developmental Psychology
    Soka University Division of Correspondence Education 2018 ISBN:9784863020986
  • Learner-Centered Teaching
    Keiso Shobo 2017 ISBN:9784326251193
  • Self-Concept in Childhood and Adolescence
    NAKANISHIYA Shuppan Co.,Ltd. 2013
  • Teachers’Guides to Inclusive Practices: Social Relationship and Peer Support
    Kongo shuppan 2011 ISBN:9784772411813
  • はじめて学ぶ教育心理学
    ミネルヴァ書房 2010 ISBN:9784623058570
Lectures and oral presentations  (52):
  • Influential factors for the level of satisfaction in group activity: The case of freshman students
    (the 16th Annual Meeting of Japan Association for the Study of Cooperation in Education 2019)
  • Knowledge about aging in college students:comparative study among Japan, China, and the United States.
    (the 28h Annual Conference of Japan Society of Personality Psychology 2019)
  • College students' perceptions of aging in China, Japan, and USA.
    (AAG (Australian Association of Gerontology) National Conference, Melbourne, Australia. 2018)
  • A Comparative Study of College Students’ Cultural Orientation, Aging Attitude, and Anxiety: Japan, China, and USA.
    (The Eighth Interdisciplinary Conference of Aging & Society 2018)
  • What are condidions for Meaningful and Smooth Group Activity?
    (The 11th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association of First-Year Experience at Universities and Colleges 2018)
Works (5):
  • Daisaku Ikeda, Language and Education
    2015 -
  • 書評・古川敦編『牧口常三郎の教師論』
    2011 -
  • 児童生徒の肯定的な自己概念の向上と「日本的」人格形成に向けて-教師の取り組みから
    2008 -
  • 書評「孔繁豊・紀亜光著 『周恩来、池田大作と中日友好』」
    2007 -
  • 『新教育事典』 ウォーク・トゥ・スクール
    2002 -
Education (6):
  • - 2001 University of California, Los Angeles
  • - 2001 University of California, Los Angeles Graduate School, Division of Education Social Science and Comparative Education
  • - 1997 University of California, Los Angeles
  • - 1997 University of California, Los Angeles Graduate School, Division of Education Social Science and Comparative Education
  • - 1996 Soka University Faculty of Education Department of Child Education
Show all
Professional career (2):
  • Master of Arts and Science (University of California, Los Angeles)
  • Ph.D in Education (University of California, Los Angeles)
Awards (1):
  • 2007/06 - International WHO'S WHO of Professionals Marquis Who's Who in the World
Association Membership(s) (7):
Japan Society of Personality Psychology ,  Comparative and International Education Society ,  American Educational Research Association ,  Japan Society of Developmental Psychology ,  The Japanese Association of Educational Psychology ,  The Japanese Psychological Association ,  Japan Comparative Education Society
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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