J-GLOBAL ID:201801006179861107   Update date: Sep. 02, 2024

Onoda Shinobu

オノダ シノブ | Onoda Shinobu
Research field  (3): Inorganic materials ,  Quantum beam science ,  Applied physics - general
Research keywords  (4): quantum sensor ,  NV center ,  ion beam ,  diamond
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (13):
  • 2021 - 2025 室温で動作する電子スピンの多量子ビットの実現
  • 2017 - 2020 Development of calorimeter based on change in quantum state of electron spin
  • 2014 - 2019 Electron Spin Control of Diamond by Surface Carrier and its Application to Nuclear Spin Detection of Bio-Molecules
  • 2015 - 2017 Trial for neutron dosimetry from the atomic level by use of Diamond NV centers
  • 2014 - 2017 Realization of several-qubit quantum register by fabrication of nanoscale-array of NV centers in diamond
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Papers (112):
  • N. Sekiguchi, M. Fushimi, A. Yoshimura, C. Shinei, M. Miyakawa, T. Taniguchi, T. Teraji, H. Abe, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, et al. Diamond quantum magnetometer with dc sensitivity of sub-10 pT Hz-1/2 toward measurement of biomagnetic field. Physical Review Applied. 2024. 21. 6
  • Kosuke Mizuno, Ikuya Fujisaki, Hiroyoshi Tomioka, Hitoshi Ishiwata, Shinobu Onoda, Takayuki Iwasaki, Keigo Arai, Mutsuko Hatano. Fast coherent control of nitrogen-14 spins associated with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamonds using dynamical decoupling. Journal of Physics Communications. 2024. 8. 3. 035002-035002
  • Yuki Ueda, Yuto Miyake, Akirabha Chanuntranont, Kazuki Otani, Masato Tsugawa, Daiki Saito, Shuntaro Usui, Tokuyuki Teraji, Shinobu Onoda, Takahiro Shinada, et al. Detecting nuclear spins in an organosilane monolayer using nitrogen-vacancy centers for analysis of precursor self-assembly on diamond surface. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 2023. 62. SG
  • Hiroki Morishita, Naoya Morioka, Testuri Nishikawa, Hajime Yao, Shinobu Onoda, Hiroshi Abe, Takeshi Ohshima, Norikazu Mizuochi. Spin-Dependent Dynamics of Photocarrier Generation in Electrically Detected Nitrogen-Vacancy-Based Quantum Sensing. Physical Review Applied. 2023. 19. 3
  • Timo Joas, Roberto Sailer, Kosuke Kimura, Ressa Said, Wataru Kada, Shinobu Onoda, Fedor Jelezko. Characterization of a Room Temperature Two Electronic Spin Gate in Diamond. Quantum 2.0: Proceedings Optica Quantum 2.0 Conference and Exhibition. 2023
MISC (132):
  • 馬場智也, 馬場智也, 小野田忍, 小野田忍, 木村晃介, 木村晃介, 加田渉, 谷口尚, 宮川仁, 大島武, et al. Evaluation of Annealing Time Dependence for Efficient Creation of Group IV-V Center. 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2023. 84th
  • 木村晃介, 木村晃介, 小野田忍, 小野田忍, 加田渉, 寺地徳之, 寺地徳之, 磯谷順一, 馬場智也, 馬場智也, et al. Generation of Entanglement State between NV Center Pair Created by Molecular Ion Implantation. 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2023. 84th
  • 木村晃介, 木村晃介, 小野田忍, SAILER Roberto, JOAS Timo, SAID Ressa, 山田圭介, 加田渉, 寺地徳之, 磯谷順一, et al. Effect of Nitrogen Doping on Electron Spin Properties of NV Centers. 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2022. 83rd
  • 桑波田晃弘, 桑波田晃弘, 荒井慧悟, 荒井慧悟, 西谷大祐, 藤崎伊久哉, 松木亮磨, 西尾有輝, XIN Zonghao, CAO Xinyu, et al. Bio-magnetic field measurement with nitrogen vacancy centres in diamond. 日本生体磁気学会誌. 2022. 35. 1
  • 木村晃介, 木村晃介, 小野田忍, 小野田忍, SAILER Roberto, LANG Johannes, FINDLER Christoph, 山田圭介, 加田渉, 寺地徳之, et al. Coherence Time Evaluation of NV Centers Created by Phthalocyanine Ion Implantation. 応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2022. 69th
Lectures and oral presentations  (249):
  • Creation of NV Center by C<sub>5</sub>N<sub>5</sub>H<sub>5</sub> Ion Implantation
    (応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 2020)
  • 高温高圧処理によるNVセンター形成効率
    (応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 2019)
  • NVセンター形成のためのナノダイヤモンドへの欠陥導入
    (応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 2019)
  • 窒素終端(111)ダイヤモンドを用いて作製した高配向2次元NVアンサンブル
    (応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 2019)
  • 高被覆率窒素終端(111)ダイヤモンドの作製
    (応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 2019)
Association Membership(s) (2):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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