J-GLOBAL ID:201801008130082865
Update date: Nov. 12, 2024
Shimogoshi Masahiro
シモギシ マサヒロ | Shimogoshi Masahiro
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Assistant Professor
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (5):
, Biomedical engineering
, Bacteriology
, Oral medicine (pathology)
, Regenerative dentistry and dental engineering
Research keywords (3):
, Biomaterial
, Implantology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
- 2022 - 2025 インプラント周囲細菌叢を規定する危険因子を探る:疾患の発症予測モデル構築に向けて
- 2018 - 2021 口腔インプラントの脱落要因を探る:インプラント周囲細菌叢の時空間的解析
- 2018 - Spatiotemporal analysis of peri-implant microbiota
- 2015 - 2018 Evaluation of zirconium - niobium alloys for dental biomaterials
- 2015 - 2017 ジルコニウム-ニオブ合金を用いた生体材料の研究
Papers (16):
Masahiro Shimogishi, Sawako Kawakami, Noriko Tachikawa. Clinical Evaluation of Short (6 mm) and Longer Implants Placed Side by Side in Posterior Partially Edentulous Area: A 3-Year Observational Study. International Journal of Dentistry. 2023
Takahiko Shiba, Keiji Komatsu, Takayasu Watanabe, Yasuo Takeuchi, Takashi Nemoto, Yujin Ohsugi, Sayaka Katagiri, Masahiro Shimogishi, Eriko Marukawa, Takanori Iwata. Peri-implantitis management by resective surgery combined with implantoplasty and Er:YAG laser irradiation, accompanied by free gingival graft: a case report. Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease. 2023. 14. 204062232311748-204062232311748
Takashi Nemoto, Takahiko Shiba, Keiji Komatsu, Takayasu Watanabe, Masahiro Shimogishi, Masaki Shibasaki, Tatsuro Koyanagi, Takahiko Nagai, Sayaka Katagiri, Yasuo Takeuchi, et al. Discrimination of Bacterial Community Structures among Healthy, Gingivitis, and Periodontitis Statuses through Integrated Metatranscriptomic and Network Analyses. mSystems. 2021. 6. 6. 00886-21
Yoichiro Ogino, Yasunori Ayukawa, Noriko Tachikawa, Masahiro Shimogishi, Youji Miyamoto, Keiko Kudoh, Naoyuki Fukuda, Kunio Ishikawa, Kiyoshi Koyano. Staged Sinus Floor Elevation Using Novel Low-Crystalline Carbonate Apatite Granules: Prospective Results after 3-Year Functional Loading. Materials. 2021. 14. 19. 5760-5760
Masahiro Shimogishi, Takayasu Watanabe, Masaki Shibasaki, Takahiko Shiba, Keiji Komatsu, Takashi Nemoto, Kazuyuki Ishihara, Yoshio Nakano, Takanori Iwata, Shohei Kasugai, et al. Patient-specific establishment of bacterial composition within the peri-implant microbiota during the earliest weeks after implant uncovering. Journal of Periodontal Research. 2021. 56. 5. 964-971
MISC (7):
柴崎真樹, 下岸将博, 渡辺孝康, 丸川恵理子. Free gingival graft on peri-implant mucosa alters sub-mucosal bacterial composition. Japanese Journal of Maxillo Facial Implants. 2021. 20. 3
下岸将博, 柴崎真樹, 川上紗和子, 黒田真司, 中田秀美, 立川敬子, 春日井昇平, 塩田真. Compositional change of peri-implant microbiota. 日本口腔インプラント学会誌. 2020. 33
下岸 将博, 立川 敬子, 三木 裕仁, 春日井 昇平. 臼歯部歯欠損におけるショートインプラントの有効性に関する臨床的検討. 日本口腔インプラント学会誌. 2017. 30. 4. E286-E287
藤井 政樹, 立川 敬子, 宗像 源博, 下岸 将博, 春日井 昇平. 広範囲顎骨支持型補綴を適用したインプラント治療の評価. Japanese Journal of Maxillo Facial Implants. 2017. 16. 3. 198-198
下岸 将博, 立川 敬子, 春日井 昇平. 上顎臼歯部におけるインプラント体デザインが早期予後に与える影響の臨床的検討. 日本口腔インプラント学会誌. 2016. 29. 4. E321-E321
Lectures and oral presentations (16):
Risk factor of early dental implant failure in reconstructed mandible
Omics analysis defines differences in microbial community structure between periimplantitis and periodontitis
(The 68th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Dental Research 2020)
Compositional change of peri-implant microbiota
(The 50th Anniversary Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Oral Implantology 2020)
Metagenomic analysis of peri-implant microbiome and its relation to disease severity
Compositional change of peri-implant microbiota after the implant placement
Education (2):
- 2009 - 2013 Tokyo Medical and Dental University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Medical and Dental Sciences Track, Oral Health Sciences Division, Department of Oral Implantology and Regenerative Dental Medicine
- 2001 - 2008 Tokyo Medical and Dental University Faculty of Dentistry
Professional career (1):
Work history (8):
- 2021/08/01 - 現在 Tokyo Medical and Dental University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Medical and Dental Sciences - Project Assistant Professor
- 2020/04/01 - 現在 Tokyo Medical and Dental University Dental Hospital Hospital Departments Clinics for Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Dental Implant Clinic Project Assistant Professor
- 2019/04/01 - 現在 Nihon University School of Dentistry Visiting Lecturer
- 2014/05/01 - 現在 Tokyo Medical and Dental University Dental Hospital Hospital Departments Clinics for Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Dental Implant Clinic Dental Resident
- 2018/04/01 - 2021/07/31 Tokyo Medical and Dental University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Medical and Dental Sciences Oral Health Sciences Oral Implantology and Regenerative Dental Medicine Project Assistant Professor
- 2018/04/01 - 2020/03/31 Tokyo Medical and Dental University Dental Hospital Hospital Departments Clinics for Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Dental Implant Clinic Project Assistant Professor
- 2017/04/01 - 2018/03/31 Tokyo Medical and Dental University Dental Hospital Hospital Departments Clinics for Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Dental Implant Clinic
- 2014/05/01 - 2018/03/31 Tokyo Medical and Dental University Dental Hospital Hospital Departments Clinics for Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Dental Implant Clinic Dental Resident
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Association Membership(s) (4):
Japanese Society of Oral Implantology
, Japanese Academy of MaxilloFacial Implants
, The Japanese Society for Dental Materials and Devices
, Japanese Society for Bacteriology
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