J-GLOBAL ID:201801008145042738
Update date: Aug. 26, 2022
Kenji Taniguchi
Kenji Taniguchi
Affiliation and department:
MISC (8):
谷口 謙次. The Economic Depression, Currency, and Precious Metals in India in the First Half of 19 Century. 三田学会雑誌. 2016. 109. 3. 471-502
谷口 謙次. Book Reviews : Tsukasa Mizushima et al. eds. An Introduction to Asian Economic Histories. アジア・アフリカ地域研究 = Asian and African area studies. 2016. 16. 90-93
Nakamura Kengo, Yamamoto Shimpei, Kitanishi Masato, Iwakuma Fumio, Taniguchi Kenji, Soseki Toshio, Nagao Kenkichi, Oshima Mario, Omote Koichiro. Koichiro Omote, Die Gesellschaftstheorie Adornos : Zirkel und Kontingenz. 經濟學雜誌. 2014. 115. 2. 73-93
Nakamura Kengo, Yamamoto Shimpei, Kitanishi Masato, Iwakuma Fumio, Taniguchi Kenji, Soseki Toshio, Nagao Kenkichi, Oshima Mario, Omote Koichiro. Koichiro Omote, Die Gesellschaftstheorie Adornos : Zirkel und Kontingenz. 経済学雑誌. 2014. 115. 2. 73-93
谷口 謙次. 秋田茂著, 『イギリス帝国の歴史-アジアから考える-』(中公新書 2167), 中央公論新社, 二〇一二・六刊, B40, 二八八頁, 八八〇円. 史学雑誌. 2014. 123. 3. 466-467
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