J-GLOBAL ID:201801008277085690   Update date: Jan. 30, 2024

Chang Liu

Chang Liu
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (4): Statistical science ,  Metallic materials ,  Statistical science ,  Computational science
Research keywords  (7): point defect ,  alloy ,  Green function ,  first principles calculation ,  deeping learning ,  transfer learning ,  materials informatics
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 2020 - 2023 転移学習による外挿的な物性予測:包括的訓練済みモデルライブラリの創出
  • 2016 - 2019 Ab-initio Calculations for Phase Diagrams based on FPKKR and CVM including Long-range Interactions between Impurity Atoms
Papers (24):
  • Minoru Kusaba, Yoshihiro Hayashi, Chang Liu, Araki Wakiuchi, Ryo Yoshida. Representation of materials by kernel mean embedding. Physical Review B. 2023. 108. 13
  • Chang Liu, Koichi Kitahara, Asuka Ishikawa, Takanobu Hiroto, Alok Singh, Erina Fujita, Yukari Katsura, Yuki Inada, Ryuji Tamura, Kaoru Kimura, et al. Quasicrystals predicted and discovered by machine learning. Physical Review Materials. 2023. 7. 9
  • Qi Zhang, Chang Liu, Stephen Wu, Yoshihiro Hayashi, Ryo Yoshida. A Bayesian method for concurrently designing molecules and synthetic reaction networks. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods. 2023. 3. 1
  • Megumi Iwayama, Stephen Wu, Chang Liu, Ryo Yoshida. Functional Output Regression for Machine Learning in Materials Science. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 2022. 62. 20. 4837-4851
  • Minoru Kusaba, Chang Liu, Ryo Yoshida. Crystal structure prediction with machine learning-based element substitution. Computational Materials Science. 2022. 211. 111496-111496
MISC (5):
Lectures and oral presentations  (10):
  • Pd中のRh, Ru不純物溶解度限の第一原理計算:実空間クラスター展開とクラスター変分法
    (日本金属学会2017年秋期(第161回)講演大会 2017)
  • Full-Potential KKR Calculations for Lattice Distortion of Point Defects in Al, Based on the Generalized-Gradient Approximation
    (20th International Conference on Magnetism 2015)
  • 第一原理電子構造計算による Al,Pd 中の単一不純物による 局所格子歪と平均体積変化
    (日本金属学会2015年春期(第156回)講演大会 2015)
  • Al中の不純物対原子間相互作用:磁性、格子歪と相互作用エネルギー
    (日本金属学会2014年秋期(第155回)講演大会 2014)
  • Full-Potential KKR Calculations for Lattice Distortion of Impurities in Al-based Dilute Alloys, Based on the Generalized-Gradient Approximation
    (The 15th IUMRS-International Conference in Asia 2014)
Education (3):
  • 2014 - 2017 Shizuoka University Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology Department of Optoelectronics and Nanostructure Science
  • 2012 - 2014 Shizuoka University Faculty of Engineering Mechanical Engineering
  • 2003 - 2007 Zhengzhou University Physical Engineering
Work history (3):
  • 2019/04 - 現在 The Institute of Statistical Mathematics Data Science Center for Creative Design and Manufacturing Project Assistant Professor
  • 2017/09 - 2018/03 National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) The Center for “Materials research by Information Integration” Postdoctoral Researcher
  • 2017/04 - 2017/08 Shizuoka University Faculty of Engineering Research Fellow
Association Membership(s) (1):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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