J-GLOBAL ID:201801008381176850
Update date: Nov. 01, 2024
Nakaya Fumio
ナカヤ フミオ | Nakaya Fumio
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Science education
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
- 2024 - 2027 哲学対話を啓く漢文教材の開発と活用に関する実践的研究
- 2019 - 2023 図形楽譜アプリケーションを活用した教科横断的表現教育教材及びその演習モデル開発
- 2017 - 2023 「個別支援×集団研修」のハイブリッド型小学校理科指導力向上プログラムの開発
- 2018 - 2020 Development of educational tools for the visually impaired which help understanding of actual shapes by sense of touch
- 2012 - 2015 Development of lecture assessment system based on automated face recognition system
- 2011 - 2015 Science literacy education suited to the Japanese cultural context and its social acceptance - analysis of post-war science education reform
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Papers (8):
Kido Kaede, Nakaya Fumio, Katagiri Masanao. A Play-Based Disaster Preparation Program: Exploring the Sustenance of the Learning Effect. Information and Technology in Education and Learning. 2022. 2. 1. Trans-p007-Trans-p007
KAWAKAMI Masahiro, NAKAYA Fumio, KATAGIRI Masanao, MIZUMACHI Eri, TOHDA Yasuo. The Consciousness of Secondary Science Teachers when Dealing with Contents related to Society in Science Instruction. Journal of Science Education in Japan. 2021. 45. 4. 421-429
ASAKA Noriko, OKAZAKI Junko, KAWAMURA Mishio, KANDORI Kazuhiko, TANEDA Masatsugu, TSUJIOKA Tsuyoshi, TOHDA Yasuo, NAKATA Hiroyasu, HIROTANI Hiroshi, HORI Kazushige, et al. What and How far the Young Primary School Teachers Have Learned from the Project Based Science Training ? - from Results of the Poster Presentation, Mutual Evaluation of Performances, and the Questionnaire. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Science Education. 2019. 43. 0. 632-635
Takuro Ozaki, Fumio Nakaya. Development of a social networking service for teacher training which uses comments and digital portfolios. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2015. 2015. 474-479
Nami Okubo, Hiromi Hannah Yamamoto, Fumio Nakaya, Ken Okaji. Reproduction in cultured versus wild coral colonies: Fertilization, larval oxygen consumption, and survival. Biological Bulletin. 2010. 218. 3. 230-236
MISC (29):
渡邉, 美香, 谷村, さくら, 青木, 宏子, 加藤, 可奈衛, 仲矢, 史雄. 鑑賞を軸とした教育プログラム実施報告-「WHO ARE WE観察と発見の生物学」展を活用したダ・ヴィンチ講座の取り組み-. 美術科研究(eISSN 2759-1581). 2023. 41. 47-57
KANAGAWA Hiroki, OKUYAMA Sho, KAWAMATA Yasuyuki, NAKAYA Fumio, HAGIHARA Kenji. Implementing STEAM Education in Science Classes through the Use of Rice Flour Clay. JSSE Research Report. 2023. 38. 2. 269-272
仲矢 史雄. 5月例会 オンラインで楽しむ 愛媛県総合科学博物館. 子どもと科学よみもの. 2022. 523. 2-5
和田 良彦, 仲矢 史雄. アプリを活用した模擬授業の実践-Practical exercise of lesson with web-application systems. 教育実践研究 = Osaka forum for applied research in education / 大阪教育大学教職教育研究開発センター 編. 2018. 12. 12. 113-120
NAKAYA Fumio, KAWAMURA Mishio, KANDORI Kazuhiko, TANEDA Masatsugu, SUZUKI Yasufumi, FUKAZAWA Yuko, MATSUMOTO Katsura, YOSHIMOTO Naohiro, ASAKA Noriko, KAWAKAMI Masahiro, et al. Comparablestudyoftheresultsbetweencollegestudentsandelementarystudents about science education assessment of National Assessment of Academic Ability of Japan. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Science Education. 2018. 42. 0. 443-444
Education (3):
- 1994 - 2001 Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School, Division of Life Science and Engineering
- 1994 - 1996 Nagoya University Graduate School, Division of Human Informatics
- 1990 - 1994 Doshisha University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (4):
- Ph. D. (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- 理学博士 (東京工業大学)
- Academic Master (Nagoya University)
- 修士(学術) (名古屋大学)
Work history (2):
- 2020/04/01 - Osaka Kyoiku University Center for Educational Innovation Design Professor, Vice director
- 2019/04/01 - 2020/03/31 大阪教育大学 科学教育センター 教授
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