J-GLOBAL ID:201801008553578867
Update date: Mar. 31, 2024
アオオ ケン | AOO Ken
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Other affiliations (1):
Japan Foundation Center
Research field (5):
, Local studies
, Social welfare
, Politics
, International relations
Research keywords (16):
Social entrepreneurship
, Social enterprise
, art
, local ecosystem
, Social Innovation
, Civil Society
, Asia (Northeast and Southeast)
, International Relations
, International Development
, Local Community
, Wellbeing
, Social Welfare
, Nonprofit Organizations
, Philanthropy
, Public Policies
, governance
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Papers (14):
TSURI Masao, AOO Ken. How is subjective well-being affected by different factors and groups: Income threshold induces asymmetric effects. Dynamics of Civilizations. 2024. 3. 1-20
Habu, H, Takao, S, Miyaji, C, Matsumoto, N, Aoo, K, Nishita, Y, Tsuri, M, Yorifuji, T. Participation in the Setouchi Triennale and the Health of Residents in Naoshima: A Cross-Sectional Study. Acta Medica Okayama. 2023. 77. 5. 491-497
Miyaji, C, Takao, S, Habu, H, Matsumoto, N, Aoo, K, Nishita, Y, Tsuri, M, Yorifuji, T. Does Participation in the Setouchi Triennale Foster Social Capital? : A Cross-Sectional Study. Acta Medica Okayama. 2023. 77. 5. 443-449
AOO, Ken. How Do Historical and Cultural Contexts Affect Social Innovation Initiatives and Local Ecosystems?: Cases from Okayama, Japan. The Japan Social Innovation Review. 2022. 2. 3-14
Aoo, K. The Role of Civil Society Sector in the Development of Art-Driven Regional Social Innovation: The Case of Benesse Art Site Naoshima and Art Setouchi. Sustainability. 2021. 13. 24. 14061
MISC (19):
青尾 謙. ありがとうファーム@大原美術館 対話型鑑賞+作品制作プロジェクト 報告書&作品集. 2023
Aoo, K. Can local enterprises create social value in an aging society?. 2023. 56. 1-23
AOO, Ken. Benesse Artsite Naoshima / Setouchi Triennale as a Social Innovation. Final Report, Setouchi Sustainability and Well-being Research Project. 2023
AOO, Ken. Benesse Artsite Naoshima / Setouchi Triennale as a Social Innovation. Final Report, Setouchi Sustainability and Well-being Research Project. 2023
WADA, Hiroko, KISHI, Yuuki, AOO, Ken. Joint Research and Collaboration between Grant-making Foundation, Nonprofit Umbrella Organization, and Researcher: Case study from Fukutake Education and Culture Foundation's Questionnaire Survey. The Nonprofit Review. 2022. 22. 1. 61-66
Books (7):
Encyclopedia of Social Innovation
Edward Elgar Publishing 2023
Re-visiting "Livelihood in a Mountianous Village": 70 years of Oh hamlet, Northern Okayama
Kibito Publishing 2022 ISBN:9784860696900
Social Innovation: How societies find the power to change
2022 ISBN:9784623094561
明石書店 2022 ISBN:9784750353500
Atlas of Social Innovation - 2nd Volume: A World of New Practices
Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund - sfs 2019
Lectures and oral presentations (50):
(日本ソーシャル・イノベーション学会第5回年次大会 2023)
ありがとうファーム@大原美術館 対話型鑑賞+作品制作 プロジェクト 最終報告
(ありがとうファーム@大原美術館 対話型鑑賞+作品制作 プロジェクト 最終報告会 2023)
How Local Social Innovation Ecosystems Can Support and Reproduce Social Innovation Initiatives? Historical and on-going cases from Okayama, Japan
(15th International Social Innovation Research Conference 2023)
(岡山産業経営研究会 2022年度総会・研究成果報告会 2023)
Social Innovation and Its Management
(Okayama University Public Lecture 2023)
Education (3):
- 2017 - 2019 University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences PhD (Social Science), International and Advanced Japanese Studies
- 2005 - 2007 University of Sussex Institute of Development Studies MPhil in International Development
- 1993 - 1998 University of Tokyo Liberal Arts Department BA in International Relations
Professional career (3):
- MPhil (Development Studies) (University of Sussex)
- BA (International Relations) (University of Tokyo)
- PhD (Social Science) (University of Tsukuba)
Work history (9):
- 2021/04 - 2024/03 Okayama University Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor
- 2017/01 - 2024/03 Japan Foundation Center Special Fellow
- 2017/04 - 2023/03 Rikkyo University Social Design Lab. Research Fellow
- 2018/04 - 2021/03 Okayama University Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health Systems Senior Assistant Professor
- 2016/04 - 2016/11 Nippon Foundation International Network Team, Social Innovation Division Program Director
- 2011/01 - 2016/03 Toyota Foundation International Grant Group Group Leader
- 2008/09 - 2010/09 United Nations Development Programme Uganda Country Office / Bureau of Management Programme Analyst
- 2002/01 - 2005/07 Foundation for International Development and Relief Vietnam Country Office Country Representative
- 1998/04 - 2000/12 Sumitomo Bank Yokohama Branch / International Planning Department, Tokyo Headquarter Officer
Show all
Committee career (5):
- 2021/05 - 現在 Japan Society of Social Innovation Director
- 2018/07 - 2023/05 秋山記念生命科学振興財団 評議員
- 2020/06 - 2022/06 Japan NPO Research Association Director
- 2018/08 - 2022/03 岡山NPOセンター 顧問
- 2019/04 - 2021/03 東アジア日本学会 理事
Association Membership(s) (5):
Japan Society for Social Innovation
, International Society for Third-Sector Research
, Public Policy Studies Association, Japan
, The Association of Japanology in East Asia
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