J-GLOBAL ID:201801009754615210   Update date: Jan. 30, 2024

Yamada Hitoko

ヤマダ ヒトコ | Yamada Hitoko
Affiliation and department:
Job title: professor
Research field  (1): English linguistics
Research keywords  (8): cognitive linguistics ,  metaphor ,  metonymy ,  categorization ,  expressions of feelings ,  smile ,  color terms ,  family
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 2013 - 2016 Categorization of "Family" in Cultures of English and Japanese, and Its Meaning in Societies
Papers (20):
  • Hitoko Yamada. Transformation to showing smiles: A diachronic study on Japanese "egao" category. 2021. 3. 86-117
  • Hitoko Yamada. Elements of "gray" not in Japanese "hai-iro": A comparison between English and Japanese color categories of gray. Hyperion. 2017. 63. 1-10
  • Yamada Hitoko. Critical Features of Being a Family in the Culture of British English : Analysis of True Family and Real Family. Journal of language and literature. 2014. 22. 127-147
  • 山田 仁子. FATHERカテゴリーの形成過程に見る英語圏の父親像. Hyperion. 2014. 60. 3-12
  • Yamada Hitoko. Categorization of Family Members in Japanese. Journal of language and literature. 2013. 21. 81-106
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