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高木 修一, 竹岡 志朗. The Possibility of Text Mining in Management Studies : Method of Hypothesis Construction Oriented. 富大経済論集 = The journal of economic studies, University of Toyama : 富山大学紀要. 2018. 64. 2. 241-260
竹岡 志朗, 神谷 栄司, 土井 捷三. Development of Vygotsky Research in Japan : An Approach from Quantitative View. ヴィゴツキー学 = Vygotsky studies. 2018. 5. 1-13
竹岡 志朗, 高木 修一. A study of methods for collecting word of mouth information on world wide web. 経営研究 = The business review. 2018. 69. 1. 91-107
竹岡 志朗. Text Mining using Machine Learning : Cross-sectional Analysis of Products/Service Categories using Reviews. 桃山学院大学経済経営論集. 2018. 59. 4. 101-122