J-GLOBAL ID:201801009870903532   Update date: Jul. 17, 2024

Hiroyuki Kurosawa

クロサワ ヒロユキ | Hiroyuki Kurosawa
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Nanostructure physics
Research keywords  (6): optical activity ,  Photonic crystal ,  Plasmonics ,  Magnetooptical effects ,  Nonlinear optics ,  Metamaterilas
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (5):
  • 2023 - 2026 Control of topological quantum fields by a Moire metasurface
  • 2020 - 2024 非相反メタマテリアルの分散設計とビーム走査アンテナへの応用
  • 2020 - 2023 Nonreciprocal electrodynamics in magnetochiral metananoparticles
  • 2020 - 2023 Berry phase optics using magneto-electric metasurfaces
  • 2013 - 2015 Polarization entangled photon pair generation controlled by chirality of micro-cavity
Papers (31):
  • Yutaro Ueno, Takumu Ideguchi, Hiroyuki Kurosawa, Tetsuya Ueda. Enhancement of Phase Shifting Nonreciprocity in Composite Right/Left-Handed Metamaterial Transmission Lines with U-Shaped Microstrip Resonators. 2023 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC). 2023
  • Yusuke Nakanishi, Hiroyuki Kurosawa, Tetsuya Ueda. Enhancement Phase-shifting Nonreciprocity by Asymmetry Series Interdigital Capacitors in Normally Magnetized Ferrite Microstrip Lines. 2023 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC). 2023
  • Hiroyuki Kurosawa, Sachiko Tsuzuki, Manabu Taniguchi, Shin-ichiro Inoue. Solar-Blind Optical Wireless Communications Over 80 Meters Using a 265-nm High-Power Single-Chip DUV-LED Over 500 mW in Sunlight. IEEE Photonics Journal. 2023. 15. 3. 1-5
  • Mikiya Oshima, Takumi Kondo, Takumu Ideguchi, Hiroyuki Kurosawa, Tetsuya Ueda. Enhancement of Nonreciprocal Phase Shift in Curved Composite Right/Left-Handed Metamaterial Lines by Using Corrugation Structures. 2022 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC). 2022
  • Weiyi Chen, Koji Asakawa, Hiroyuki Kurosawa, Tetsuya Ueda. A Metamaterial-Inspired V-Shaped Wire Antenna for Wideband Operation. 2022 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP). 2022
MISC (55):
  • 山田健太, 上田哲也, 山上航平, 黒澤裕之, 伊藤龍男. Dual-Band 4-port Circulator Using a Nonreciprocal CRLH Coupled Line. 電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集(CD-ROM). 2021. 2021
  • 屋敷憲志, 黒澤裕之, 上田哲也. Polarization-Dependent Nonreciprocal Metasurface Based on Field Displacement Effect. 電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集(CD-ROM). 2021. 2021
  • 黒澤裕之, 冨田知志, 澤田桂, 中西俊博, 上田哲也. Giant magnetochiral effects by dielectric-magnetic hybrid metamolecules. 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2021. 82nd
  • 冨田知志, 大西庸嵩, 柳久雄, 黒澤裕之. Non-reciprocal optical responses of magnetochiral metasurfaces at infrared region. 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2020. 75. 1
  • 井上彗登, 黒澤裕之, 上田哲也, 冨田知志, 柳久雄. Non-reciprocal microwave responses by magneto-chiral metamaterials. 応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2020. 67th
Books (1):
  • Magnetochiral Metamolecules for Microwaves
    Springer 2019 ISBN:9789811386480
Education (3):
  • 2010 - 2013 Tohoku University Graduate School of Science Department of Physics
  • 2008 - 2010 Tohoku University Graduate School of Science Department of Physics
  • 2004 - 2008 Tohoku University Faculty of science Department of physics
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(理学) (東北大学)
Work history (4):
  • 2020/03 - 現在 Kyoto Institute of Technology Department of Electronics Assistant Professor
  • 2016/09 - 2020/03 National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Advanced ICT Research Institute Researcher
  • 2015/04 - 2016/08 National Institute for Materials Science Functional Materials Research Division NIMS Posdoc Researcher
  • 2013/04 - 2015/03 Hokkaido University Research Institute for Electronic Science Posdoc
Awards (2):
  • 2010/12 - 第21回光物性研究会奨励賞
  • 2010/03 - 東北大学大学院理学研究科物理学専攻賞
Association Membership(s) (2):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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