J-GLOBAL ID:201801009997727725
Update date: Aug. 08, 2024
Schauerte E. Michael
Schauerte E. Michael
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Assistant Professor
Research field (1):
Foreign language education
Papers (4):
Michael Schauerte. Introduction. In Pursuit of Marx's Theory of Crisis. 2024. 1-40
「久留間鮫造の恐慌論の展開-戦前の著作から『マルクス経済学レキシコン』まで」. マルククス研究会年誌. 2022. 5. 114-146
Jihyun KIM, E. Michael, SCHAUERTE. "Contrastive Analysis of the Sentential Use of Noun Phrases- Focusing on the Japanese, Korean, and English Languages". 2022. 98. 11-20
Michael Schauerte. Introduction to This Edition (Marx's Theory of the Gensis of Money). Marx’s Theory of the Genesis of Money. 2017. 1-21
Books (14):
In Pursuit of Marx's Theory of Crisis
2024 ISBN:9789004703223
Best practice for the TOEIC L&R Test
成美堂 2022 ISBN:9784791972531
A new introduction to Karl Marx : new materialism, critique of political economy, and the concept of metabolism
Palgrave Macmillan 2021 ISBN:9783030529499
Marx's theory of the genesis of money : how, why, and through what is a commodity money?
Brill 2018 ISBN:9789004322387
Marx's theory of the genesis of money : how, why, and through what is a commodity money?
Haymarket Books 2018 ISBN:9781608460588
Lectures and oral presentations (4):
「戸坂潤の思想の海外への発信 -- ハリー・ハルトゥーニアンを中心とした解釈」
(東京唯物論研究会の定例研究会 2022)
(宮崎大学多言語多文化教育研究センター主催の「自分を知り、他社を理解する-ことばと文化が交わるとき」シンポジウム, 2022)
Samezō Kuruma's Close Reading of Marx: Understanding Capital as Crisis Theory
(Political Economic Workshop in Oita University 2021)
(マルクス研究会の第26回定例研究会 2021)
Education (2):
- 2020 - 現在 埼玉大学大学院 人文社会科学研究科経済経営専攻 博士後期課程
- 1999 - 2001 一橋大学大学院 社会学研究科社会学専攻 修士課程
Professional career (1):
- MA (Hitotsubashi University)
Association Membership(s) (4):
The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
, 経済学理論学会
, Marx Society of Japan
, Association for Japanese Social Literature
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